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Calorie restriction

Intermittent fasting as an alternative approach
Studies by Dr. Mark P. Mattson, chief of the National Institute on Aging's (NIA) Laboratory of Neurosciences, and colleagues have found that intermittent fasting and calorie restriction affect the pro ...
2014-2-22 16:06
Negligible effect on larger organisms
Another objection to CR as an advisable lifestyle for humans is the claim that the physiological mechanisms that determine longevity are very complex, and that the effect would be small to negligible ...
2014-2-22 16:05
Possible contraindications
Both animal and human research suggest that CR may be contraindicated for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Research on a transgenic mouse model of ALS demonstrates that CR may hasten t ...
2014-2-22 16:05
Does calorie restriction only benefit the young?
There is some evidence suggesting that the benefit of CR in rats might only be reaped in early years. A study on rats that were gradually introduced to a CR lifestyle at 18 months showed no improvemen ...
2014-2-22 16:05
Insufficient calories and amino acids for exercise
Exercise has also been shown to increase health and life span and lower the incidence of several diseases (relative to sedentary and obese controls, but not to energy-restricted sedentary controls of ...
2014-2-22 16:04
Hypothesized Confounding by Activity Levels
Calorie restriction preserves muscle tissue in nonhuman primates and rodents. Mechanisms include reduced muscle cell apoptosis and inflammation; protection against or adaptation to age-related mitocho ...
2014-2-22 16:04
No benefit to houseflies, overfed model organisms
One set of experiments shows that CR has no benefits in the housefly. The authors hypothesize that the widely purported effects of CR may be because a diet containing more calories can increase bacter ...
2014-2-22 16:04
Attempts are being made to develop drugs that act as CR mimetics, and much of that work has focused on a class of proteins called sirtuins. Resveratrol has been reported to activate SIRT1 and extend t ...
2014-2-22 16:03
Caloric restriction mimetics
ork on the mechanisms of CR has given hope to the synthesizing of future drugs to increase the human life span by simulating the effects of calorie restriction. In particular, the large number of gene ...
2014-2-22 16:03
Reduced DNA damage
Calorie restriction reduces production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS cause several types of DNA damage including 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG). The level of 8-OHdG is often used as an ...
2014-2-22 16:03
Free radicals and glycation
Two very prominent proposed explanations of aging that have a bearing on calorie restriction are the free radical theory and the glycation theory. With high amounts of energy available, mitochondria d ...
2014-2-22 16:03
Chromatin and PHA-4
Evidence suggests that the biological effects of CR are closely related to chromatin function. A study conducted by the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and published in the journal Nature in May ...
2014-2-22 16:02
It has been recently argued that during years of famine, it may be evolutionarily desirable for an organism to avoid reproduction and to up-regulate protective and repair enzyme mechanisms to try to e ...
2014-2-22 16:02
Mitochondrial hormesis
Mitochondrial hormesis was a purely hypothetical concept until late 2007, when work by Michael Ristow's group on a small worm named Caenorhabditis elegans suggested that the restriction of glucose met ...
2014-2-22 16:02
Research has pointed toward hormesis as an explanation. Southam and Ehrlich (1943) reported that a bark extract that was known to inhibit fungal growth actually stimulated growth when given at very lo ...
2014-2-22 16:00

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