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Whether or not selection takes place depends on the conditions in which the individuals of a species find themselves. Adults, juveniles, embryos, and even eggs and sperm may undergo selection. Factors ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:35
Philosophy of biology
The philosophy of biology can be seen as following an empirical tradition, favoring naturalism. Many contemporary philosophers of biology have largely avoided traditional questions about the distincti ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:34
Tyranny of the majority
A term used in Classical and Hellenistic Greece for oppressive popular rule was ochlocracy ("mob rule"). Tyranny meant rule by one man whether undesirable or not.The phrase "tyranny of the majority" w ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:31
Individual and group rights
In Western discourse, individual rights are often associated with political and economic freedom, whereas group rights are associated with social control. This is because in the West the establishment ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:30
Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
Rand called her philosophy "Objectivism", describing its essence as "the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his n ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:28
Ayn Rand
Rand was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum (Russian: Али?са Зиновьевна Розенбаум) on February 2, 1905, to a Russian Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg. She was ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:27
Reciprocity (social psychology)
People categorize an action as kind by viewing its consequences and also by the person's fundamental intentions. Even if the consequences are the same, underlying intentions can cause an action to be ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:26
Vajrayana Buddhism
Main article: VajrayanaVajrayana, primarily found in Tibet, but also existing in other Southeast Asian countries, is the Buddhist variant of Tantra.The Buddhist Deities Chakrasamvara and VajravarahiDz ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:25
Neo-Vedanta, Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Mission
Neo-Vedanta, also called "neo-Hinduism" and "Hindu Universalism", is a modern interpretation of Hinduism which developed in response to western colonialism and orientalism, and aims to present Hinduis ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:24
Dictionary definitions of "nondualism" are scarce. The main definitions are the nonduality of Absolute and relative (Advaya), the non-difference of Atman and Brahman (Advaita), and nondual consciousne ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:23
Authors and leaders have written and spoken about interdependence throughout history, including Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Stephen Covey. Karl Marx first used the term in ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:22
Subject–object problem
The world "out there" is perceived by the mind, and so also is the interior world of conscious events. The relation between the two is much debated:"We consciously experience many different things, an ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:21
One method Buddhists use to cultivate awareness of the true nature of reality is that of vipassana meditation. The practice of vipassana meditation involves the development of a heightened state of aw ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:19
The ancient Indian word for self or essence is attā (Pāli) or ātman (Sanskrit), and is often thought to be an eternal substance that persists despite death. Hence the term anatta is often interpret ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:18
Nikolai Berdyaev
Berdyaev was born near Kiev in 1874 into an aristocratic military family. His father, Alexander Mikhailovich Berdyaev, came from a long line of Kiev and Kharkov nobility. Almost all of Alexander Mikha ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:16

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