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The term discriminate appeared in the early 17th century in the English language. It is from the Latin discriminat- 'distinguished between', from the verb discriminare, from discrimen 'distinction', f ...
category:    2015-2-8 16:06
Gemeinschaft and GesellschaftMain article: Gemeinschaft and GesellschaftGerman sociologist Ferdinand T?nnies distinguished between two types of human association: Gemeinschaft (usually translated as ...
category:    2015-2-8 16:05
Collective identity
In 1989, Alberto Melucci published Nomads of the Present, which introduces his model of collective identity based on studies of the social movements of the 1980s. Melucci based his ideas on the writin ...
category:    2015-2-8 16:02
James Marcia
Marcia is perhaps best known for his extensive research and writings on psychological development, with specific attention focused on adolescent psychosocial development and lifespan identity developm ...
category:    2015-2-8 16:00
Self-knowledge (psychology)
Self-knowledge and its structure affect how events we experience are encoded, how they are selectively retrieved/recalled, and what conclusions we draw from how we interpret the memory. The analytical ...
category:    2015-2-8 16:00
Schema (psychology)
Before psychology separated from philosophy, the term "schema" was prominently discussed in philosophy by Immanuel Kant.Early developments of the idea in psychology emerged with the gestalt psychologi ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:58
Self psychology
Kohut came to psychoanalysis by way of neurology and psychiatry in the 1940s, but then 'embraced analysis with the fervor of a convert … "Mr Psychoanalysis" ' took on an idealizing image of Freud an ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:58
Identity crisis
Those who emerge from the adolescent stage of personality development with a strong sense of identity are well equipped to face adulthood with confidence and certainty. This sort of unresolved crisis ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:56
Identity (social_science)
One may define identity as the distinctive characteristic belonging to any given individual, or shared by all members of a particular social category or group. Identity may be distinguished from ident ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:55
The term "idiosyncrasy" originates from Greek ?διοσυγκρασ?α idiosynkrasía, "a peculiar temperament, habit of body" (from ?διο? idios, "one's own", σ?ν syn, "with" and κρ?σι ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:54
The ego (Latin "I") acts according to the reality principle; i.e. it seeks to please the id's drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bring grief. At the same time, Freu ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:06
In Australia the psychology profession and the use of the title 'psychologist' is regulated by an Act of Parliament, Health Practitioner Regulation (Administrative Arrangements) National Law Act 2008 ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:04
Erik Erikson
Main article: Erikson's stages of psychosocial developmentFavorable outcomes of each stage are sometimes known as "virtues," a term used in the context of Erikson's work as it is applied to medicine, ...
category:    2015-2-8 15:02
Identity negotiation
Identity refers to the processes through which people reach agreements regarding “who is who” in their relationships. Once these agreements are reached, people are expected to remain faithful to the ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:58
Roles may be achieved or ascribed or they can be accidental in different situations. An achieved role is a position that a person assumes voluntarily which reflects personal skills, abilities, and eff ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:57

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