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Human self-reflection
Prehistoric notions about the status of humanity may be guessed by the etymology of ancient words for man. Latin homo (PIE *k?onyon) means "of the earth, earthling," probably in opposition to "celest ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:55
Gender identity
Although the term gender identity was originally a medical term used to explain sex reassignment surgery to the public, it is most often found in psychology today, often as core gender identity. Altho ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:54
Mental model
The term mental model is believed to have originated with Kenneth Craik in his 1943 book The Nature of Explanation. Georges-Henri Luquet in Le dessin enfantin (Children's drawings), published in 1927 ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:53
In Buddhism, the concept of the individual lies in anatman, or "no-self." According to anatman, the individual is really a series of interconnected processes that, working together, give the appearanc ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:52
Poor self-image may be the result of accumulated criticisms that the person collected as a child which have led to damaging their own view of themselves. Children in particular are vulnerable to accep ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:50
Social psychology
Although there was some older treaties about social psychology such as those by Islamic philosopher Al-Farabi (Alpharabius). The discipline of social psychology, as its modern day definition, began in ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:49
Cultural identity
Various modern cultural studies and social theories have investigated cultural identity. In recent decades, a new form of identification has emerged which breaks down the understanding of the individu ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:47
National identity
The national identity of most citizens of a state or nation tends to strengthen when the country or nation is threatened militarily, economically or culturally—or when the nation has in fact been tot ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:45
Psychologists Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were the first to establish the notion of self-concept. According to Rogers, everyone strives to reach an "ideal self". Rogers also hypothesized that psych ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:44
Two versions of the definition of a divisor are commonplace:For integers m and n, it is said that m divides n, m is a divisor of n, or n is a multiple of m, and this is written asm \mid n,if there exi ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:43
Clonal colony
With most woody plants, clonal colonies arise by wide-ranging roots that at intervals send up new shoots, termed suckers.Trees and shrubs with branches that touch the ground can form colonies via laye ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:42
Sexual reproduction
Main article: Evolution of sexual reproductionThe first fossilized evidence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes is from the Stenian period, about 1 to 1.2 billion years ago.Biologists studying evolut ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:40
Asexual reproduction
An important form of fission is binary fission. In binary fission, the parent organism is replaced by two daughter organisms, because it literally divides in two. Organisms, both prokaryotes (the arch ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:39
The term was created in 1920 by Hans Winkler, professor of botany at the University of Hamburg, Germany. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests the name to be a blend of the words gene and chromosome. ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:38
The existence of genes was first implied from the work of Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), who, between the years of 1857 to 1864 planted 8000 common edible pea plants and studied and tabulated the inherit ...
category:    2015-2-8 14:36

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