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Joseph A. Bracken
Bracken was born on 22 March 1930 in Chicago, Illinois, United States.Bracken is Emeritus Professor of Theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. He received his PhD from the Un ...
category:    2014-6-26 23:17
Theory of perception
Since Whitehead's metaphysics described a universe in which all entities experience, he needed a new way of describing perception that was not limited to living, self-conscious beings. The term he coi ...
category:    2014-6-26 23:14
Alfred North Whitehead
Alfred North Whitehead was born in Ramsgate, Kent, England, in 1861. His father, Alfred Whitehead, was a minister and schoolmaster of Chatham House Academy, a successful school for boys established by ...
category:    2014-6-26 23:04
Process philosophy
In Ancient Greek thought An early expression of this viewpoint is in Heraclitus's fragments. He posits strife, ? ?ρι? (strife, conflict), as the underlying basis of all reality defined by change. ...
category:    2014-6-26 23:01
Process theology
Various theological and philosophical aspects have been expanded and developed by Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000), John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin. A characteristic of process theology each o ...
category:    2014-6-26 23:00
The etymology is from the Greek noun Christos- "Christ, Anointed", and the Greek ending "phany" from the verb phaneroō, to be revealed or to manifest. This noun is derived by direct comparison with t ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:58
Philo was probably born with the name Julius Philo. Philo came from an aristocratic family which had lived in Alexandria for generations. His ancestors and family were contemporaries to the rule of th ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:56
Melito of Sardis
Melito was a prolific early Christian writer, judging from lists of his works preserved by Eusebius and Jerome. Aside from a homily Peri Pascha (On the Passover) in the Bodmer Papyri, only fragments o ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:20
Angel of the Lord
In the Hebrew Bible the noun malak "messenger" is used 214 times, of which approximately (according to translations in the King James Version) 103 times concern human messengers and 111 times concern ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:17
At Delphi the Theophania (Θεοφ?νια) or Theophanies was an annual festival in spring celebrating the return of Apollo from his winter quarters in Hyperborea. The culmination of the festival was ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:16
Kant on Swedenborg
In 1763, the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), then at the beginning of his career, was impressed by these accounts and made inquiries to find out if they were true. He also ordered all eight vo ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:14
Emanuel Swedenborg
Swedenborg's father, Jesper Swedberg (1653–1735), descended from a wealthy mining family. He travelled abroad and studied theology, and on returning home he was eloquent enough to impress the Swedish ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:07
Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregory was born in the family estate of Karbala outside the village of Arianzus, near Nazianzus, in southwest Cappadocia.:18 His parents, Gregory and Nonna, were wealthy land-owners. In AD 325 Nonna ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:05
The story of Abraham is related in Genesis 11:26–25:10 of the Hebrew Bible.Abram's origins and calling Terah, the tenth in descent from Noah, begat three sons, Abram (later called Abraham), Nahor and ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:04
Macedonius, their founder, was intruded into the See of Constantinople by the Arians (342 A.D.), and enthroned by Constantius, who had for the second time expelled Paul, the Orthodox bishop. He is kno ...
category:    2014-6-26 22:01

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