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Epistle to the Hebrews
New Testament and Second Temple Judaism scholar Eric Mason argues that the conceptual background of the priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews closely parallels presentations of the messia ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:45
Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century. The tradition that the author was ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:44
John Dominic Crossan
Crossan was born in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.Though his father was a banker, Crossan was steeped in the rural Irish life, which he experienced through frequent visits to the home of his paternal ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:42
Great Commission
It is unknown who coined the term "The Great Commission". Scholars such as Eduard Riggenbach (in "Der Trinitarische Taufbefehl') and J.H. Oldham et al (in "The Missionary Motive") assert that even the ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:41
Second Epistle of John
The language of this epistle is remarkably similar to 3 John. It is therefore suggested by a few that a single author composed both of these letters. The traditional view contends that all the letters ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:39
First Epistle of Peter
The authorship of 1 Peter has traditionally been attributed to the Apostle Peter because it bears his name and identifies him as its author (1:1). Although the text identifies Peter as its author the ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:38
First Epistle to Timothy
The author of First Timothy has been traditionally identified as the Apostle Paul. He is named as the author of the letter in the text (1:1). Nineteenth and twentieth century scholarship questioned th ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:37
Epistle to the Ephesians
The main theme of Ephesians is “the Church, the Body of Christ.”As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:36
Epistle to the Galatians
No original of the letter is known to survive. The earliest reasonably complete version available to scholars today, named P46, dates to approximately the year 200 AD, approximately 150 years after th ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:35
Second Epistle to the Corinthians
While there is little doubt among scholars that Paul is the author, there is discussion over whether the Epistle was originally one letter or composed from two or more of Paul's letters.Although the N ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:32
Epistle to the Romans
In the opinion of Jesuit scholar Joseph Fitzmyer, the book, "overwhelms the reader by the density and sublimity of the topic with which it deals, the gospel of the justification and salvation of Jew a ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:30
Spread of Christianity
Early Christianity spread from city to city throughout the Hellenized Roman Empire and beyond into East Africa and South Asia. The Christian Apostles, said to have dispersed from Jerusalem, traveled e ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:29
Bernard Lonergan
Lonergan set out to do for human thought in our time what Thomas Aquinas had done for his own time. Aquinas had successfully applied Aristotelian thought to the service of a Christian understanding of ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:27
Debates and dialogues
"Sean Carroll at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, "God and Cosmology" (2014)"."Lawrence Krauss at Melbourne, "Life, the Universe and Nothing: Is it reasonable to believe there is a God?" (201 ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:25
William Lane Craig
Craig is the second of three children born to Mallory and Doris Craig in Peoria, Illinois. Mr. Craig's work with the T. P. W. railroad took the family to Keokuk, Iowa, until his transfer to the home ...
category:    2014-6-25 22:24

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