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Higgs boson
"Higgs" terminology A simple explanation – what are the Higgs mechanism, field and boson?Symmetries and forces In the Standard Model of particle physics, the fundamental forces of nature known to sci ...
category:    2014-9-7 14:07
Standard Model
In the Standard Model, gauge bosons are defined as force carriers that mediate the strong, weak, and electromagnetic fundamental interactions.Interactions in physics are the ways that particles influe ...
category:    2014-9-7 14:05
Bosons contrast with fermions, which obey Fermi–Dirac statistics. Two or more fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state (see Pauli exclusion principle).Since bosons with the same energy can occup ...
category:    2014-9-7 14:03
The Standard Model recognizes two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. In all, the model distinguishes 24 different fermions: six quarks: the up quark, down quark, strange quark, charm qu ...
category:    2014-9-7 14:02
Spin (physics)
Main article: Spin quantum numberAs the name suggests, spin was originally conceived as the rotation of a particle around some axis. This picture is correct so far as spin obeys the same mathematical ...
category:    2014-9-7 14:00
Particle conservation and non-conservation
During second quantization, we started with a Hamiltonian and state space describing a fixed number of particles (N), and ended with a Hamiltonian and state space for an arbitrary number of particles. ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:59
Quantum field theory
Main article: History of quantum field theoryFoundations The early development of the field involved Dirac, Fock, Pauli, Heisenberg and Bogolyubov. This phase of development culminated with the constr ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:58
Elementary particle
All elementary particles are—depending on their spin—either bosons or fermions. These are differentiated via the spin–statistics theorem of quantum statistics. Particles of half-integer spin exhibi ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:14
The concept of particles is particularly useful when modelling nature, as the full treatment of many phenomena is complex. It can be used to make simplifying assumptions concerning the processes invol ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:12
Timeline of particle discoveries
This is a timeline of subatomic particle discoveries, including all particles thus far discovered which appear to be elementary (that is, indivisible) given the best available evidence. It also includ ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:08
Inner product space
In this article, the field of scalars denoted F is either the field of real numbers R or the field of complex numbers C.Formally, an inner product space is a vector space V over the field F together w ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:06
Velocity-addition formula
Galilean addition of velocities As Galileo observed, if a ship is moving relative to the shore at velocity v, and a fly is moving with velocity u as measured on the ship, calculating the velocity of t ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:05
History of Lorentz transformations
Many physicists, including Woldemar Voigt, George FitzGerald, Joseph Larmor, and Hendrik Lorentz himself had been discussing the physics implied by these equations since 1887.Early in 1889, Oliver Hea ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:03
Length contraction
Main article: History of special relativityLength contraction was postulated by George FitzGerald (1889) and Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1892) to explain the negative outcome of the Michelson-Morley exper ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:01
Proper time
The formal definition of proper time involves describing the path through spacetime that represents a clock, observer, or test particle, and the metric structure of that spacetime. Proper time is the ...
category:    2014-9-7 13:00

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