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Delian League
Main article: Greco-Persian WarsThe Greco-Persian Wars had their roots in the conquest of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, and particularly Ionia, by the Achaemenid Persian Empire of Cyrus the Great sh ...
category:    2014-9-19 20:02
Independent Greece
When independent Greece gained control of Athens in 1832, the visible section of the minaret was demolished; only its base and spiral staircase up to the level of the architrave remain intact. Soon al ...
category:    2014-9-19 20:01
The origin of the Parthenon's name is from the Greek word παρθεν?ν (parthenon), which referred to the "unmarried women's apartments" in a house and in the Parthenon's case seems to have been u ...
category:    2014-9-19 20:00
Criticism of the democracy
Athenian democracy had many critics, both ancient and modern. Ancient Greek critics of the democracy include Thucydides the general and historian, Aristophanes the playwright, Plato the pupil of Socra ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:58
Athenian democracy
The word "democracy" (Greek: δημοκρατ?α) combines the elements dêmos (δ?μο?, which means "people") and krátos (κρ?το?, which means "force" or "power"). In the words "monarchy" a ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:58
Not run by the Athens Metro company, is the ISAP (Greek: ΗΣΑΠ), the Electric Railway Company line, which for many years served as Athens's primary urban rail transport. This is today the Green Lin ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:57
Mycenean Athens in 1600 - 1100 BC could have reached the size of Tiryns; that would put the population at the range of 10,000 - 15,000. During the Greek Dark Ages the population of Athens was around 4 ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:56
Further information: Names of European cities in different languages: AAthena, patron goddess of Athens; National Archaeological MuseumIn Ancient Greek Athens' name was ?θ?ναι (Athēnai ) in plu ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:55
Archaic smile
The Archaic smile was used by Greek Archaic sculptors, especially in the second quarter of the 6th century BCE, possibly to suggest that their subject was alive, and infused with a sense of well-being ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:54
Ancient Greek sculpture
Ancient Greek monumental sculpture was composed almost entirely of marble or bronze; with cast bronze becoming the favoured medium for major works by the early 5th century; many pieces of sculpture kn ...
category:    2014-9-19 19:53
The Greco-Bactrians
The Greek kingdom of Bactria (or Greco-Bactrian kingdom) began as an offshoot of the Seleucid empire. The sheer size of the eastern Seleucid domains must mean that the satraps governing the provinces ...
category:    2014-9-17 22:55
Arabian Peninsula
Bahrain was referred to by the Greeks as Tylos, the centre of pearl trading, when Nearchus came to discover it serving under Alexander the Great. From the 6th to 3rd century BC Bahrain was included in ...
category:    2014-9-17 22:53
Hellenistic period
The word "Hellenistic" is a modern word and a 19th-century concept; the idea of a Hellenistic period did not exist in Ancient Greece. Although related in form or meaning words, e.g. Hellenist (Ancient ...
category:    2014-9-17 22:42
Only free men who spoke Greek were allowed to participate in the Ancient Games of classical times. They were to some extent "international", in the sense that they included athletes from the various G ...
category:    2014-9-17 22:40
Ancient Olympic Games
To the Greeks, it was important to root the Olympic Games in mythology. During the time of the ancient games their origins were attributed to the gods, and competing legends persisted as to who actual ...
category:    2014-9-17 22:39

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