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The English term "empirical" derives from the Greek word ?μπειρ?α, which is cognate with and translates to the Latin experientia, from which we derive the word "experience" and the related "ex ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:46
Philosophy of mind
The mind–body problem concerns the explanation of the relationship that exists between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes. The main aim of philosophers working in this area is ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:45
A globe is the only representation of the earth that does not distort either the shape or the size of large features; flat maps are created using a map projection that inevitably introduces an increas ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:42
The cube has four special orthogonal projections, centered, on a vertex, edges, face and normal to its vertex figure. The first and third correspond to the A2 and B2 Coxeter planes.Orthogonal projecti ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:40
John Locke
Locke's father, also called John, was a country lawyer and clerk to the Justices of the Peace in Chew Magna, who had served as a captain of cavalry for the Parliamentarian forces during the early part ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:18
William Molyneux
He was born in Dublin to Samuel Molyneux (1616–1693), lawyer and landowner (whose grandfather had come to Dublin from Calais), and his wife, Anne, née Dowdall. The second of five children, William M ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:17
Molyneux's problem
The question was originally posed to Locke by philosopher William Molyneux, whose wife was blind:Suppose a man born blind, and now adult, and taught by his touch to distinguish between a cube and a sp ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:14
Peter D. Klein
Klein is widely known for his work on skepticism. His most influential work, however, is on the nature of knowledge, where he has long defended the defeasibility theory. His recent work defends infini ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:13
Infinite regress
Aristotle argued that knowing does not necessitate an infinite regress because some knowledge does not depend on demonstration:Some hold that, owing to the necessity of knowing the primary premises, t ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:07
As a theory of truth, coherentism restricts true sentences to those that cohere with some specified set of sentences. Someone's belief is true if and only if it is coherent with all or most of his or ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:06
Edmund Gettier
Gettier was educated at Cornell University, where his mentors included Max Black and Norman Malcolm. Gettier, himself, was originally attracted to the views of the later Ludwig Wittgenstein. His first ...
category:    2014-6-3 21:05
Theaetetus (dialogue)
The dialogue is framed by a brief scene in which Euclides tells his friend Terpsion that he has a written record of a dialogue between Socrates and Theaetetus, which occurred when Theaetetus was quite ...
category:    2014-6-3 20:57
Gettier problem
The question of what the conditions are that must be met for something to really qualify as "knowledge" is as old as philosophy itself, and is a constant theme of Plato's dialogues, notably Meno 97a-9 ...
category:    2014-6-3 20:55
Sorites paradox
The word "sorites" derives from the Greek word for heap. The paradox is so named because of its original characterization, attributed to Eubulides of Miletus. The paradox goes as follows: consider a h ...
category:    2014-6-3 20:54
Frédéric Chopin
Chopin was born in ?elazowa Wola, 46 kilometres (29 miles) west of Warsaw, in what was then the Duchy of Warsaw, a Polish state established by Napoleon. The parish baptismal record gives his birthday ...
category:    2014-6-3 20:35

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