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The early life of Qutuz is quite obscured, and there are many stories about his origin. Captured by the Mongols and sold as a slave, he traveled to Syria where he was sold to an Egyptian slave merchan ...
category:    2014-6-21 22:00
These are generally secondary titles, either lofty 'poetry' or with a message; e.g.:Mani Sultan = Manney Sultan (meaning 'the Pearl of Rulers' or "Honoured Monarch") - a subsidiary title, part of the ...
category:    2014-6-21 21:57
Health See also: List of hospitals in EgyptCairo, as well as neighbouring, has been established as Egypt's main centre for medical treatment, and despite some exceptions, has the most advanced level o ...
category:    2014-6-21 21:55
Initial settlements A man on a donkey walks past a palm tree, with a mosque and market behind him.A rendition of Fustat from A. S. Rappoport's History of EgyptThe area around present-day Cairo, especi ...
category:    2014-6-21 21:53
French Mandate of Syria and the Lebanon
early years of the 20th century, nationalist sentiment in Damascus, initially cultural in its interest, began to take a political colouring, largely in reaction to the turkicisation programme of the C ...
category:    2014-6-21 21:51
The name of Damascus first appeared in the geographical list of Thutmose III as T-m-?-q in the 15th century BC. The etymology of the ancient name "T-m-?-q" is uncertain, but it is suspected to be pr ...
category:    2014-6-21 21:46
Baibars was born in the Dasht-I-Kipchak, between the Edil (Volga) and Yaiyk (Ural) rivers, a Turkic Kipchak/Cuman (from the Berish tribe that currently lives in Kazakhstan). He was fair-skinned, blond ...
category:    2014-6-21 18:54
Ottomans and the end of the Mamluk Sultanate
The Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II was engaged in Europe when a new era of hostility with Egypt appeared in 1501. It arose out of the relations with the Safavid dynasty in Persia. Shah Ismail I sent an emb ...
category:    2014-6-21 18:09
The origins of the Mamluk system are disputed. Everybody agrees that the story of an entrenched military caste like the Mamluks in Islamic societies begins with the Abbasid caliphs of the 9th century ...
category:    2014-6-21 18:08
Egypt Eyalet
Egypt was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1517, after which it became a province of the Ottoman Empire. The defensive militarization damaged its civil society and economic institutions. The weakenin ...
category:    2014-6-21 18:01
Siege of Baghdad (1258)
Baghdad had for centuries been the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, the third caliphate whose rulers were descendants of Abbas, an uncle of Muhammad. In 751, the Abbasids had overthrown the Umayyads ...
category:    2014-6-21 17:57
Mongol military tactics and organization
The number of troops mustered by the Mongols is the subject of some scholarly debate, but was at least 105,000 in 1206. The Mongol military organization was simple but effective, based on the decimal ...
category:    2014-6-21 17:55
Mongol Empire
What is referred to in English as the Mongol Empire was called the Ikh Mongol Uls (ikh: great, uls: state; Great Mongol State). In the 1240s, Genghis's descendant Güyük Khan wrote a letter to Pope I ...
category:    2014-6-21 17:54
Among Saladin's admirers who produced personal biographies are the historians: Qadi al-Fadil from Ascalon, Imad al-Din al-Isfahani, and Bahā' al-Dīn, a jurist from Mosul. Ibn al-Athir (d. 1233), on ...
category:    2014-6-21 17:52
Life in the early kingdom
The Latin population of the kingdom was always small; although a steady stream of settlers and new crusaders continually arrived, most of the original crusaders who fought in the First Crusade simply ...
category:    2014-6-21 17:48

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