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The custom in most stores at the point of sale is for a salesperson to scan or in some way record the price of a customer's proposed purchases, including tax, discounts and other adjustments. In tradi ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:47
Economy of the Song dynasty
There was a massive expansion of ploughland during the Song dynasty. The government encouraged people to reclaim barren lands and put them under cultivation. Anyone who opened up new lands and paid ta ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:45
Chinese literature and Tang poetry
The Tang period was a golden age of Chinese literature and art. There are over 48,900 poems penned by some 2,200 Tang authors that have survived until modern times. Skill in the composition of poetry ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:42
Seaports and maritime trade
Chinese envoys had been sailing through the Indian Ocean to India since perhaps the 2nd century BC, yet it was during the Tang dynasty that a strong Chinese maritime presence could be found in the Per ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:41
Tang dynasty
The Li family belonged to the northwest military aristocracy prevalent during the reign of the Sui emperors. The Li family claimed to be patrilineally descended from Laozi(whose personal name was Li D ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:40
Paper currency first developed in Tang Dynasty China during the 7th century, although true paper money did not appear until the 11th century, during the Song Dynasty. The usage of paper currency later ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:37
Theophanes the Confessor
Theophanes was born in Constantinople of wealthy and noble iconodule parents: Isaac, imperial governor of the islands of the Black Sea, and Theodora, of whose family nothing is known. His father died ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:36
The word naphtha came from Latin and Greek where it derived from Persian. In Ancient Greek, it was used to refer to any sort of petroleum or pitch. It appears in Arabic as "naf?" (?????) ("petro ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:34
Environmental issues with petroleum
Because petroleum is a naturally occurring substance, its presence in the environment need not be the result of human causes such as accidents and routine activities (seismic exploration, drilling, ex ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:24
The word petroleum comes from Greek: π?τρα (petra) for rocks and Greek: ?λαιον (elaion) for oil. The term was found (in the spelling "petraoleum") in 10th-century Old English sources. It wa ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:23
Greek fire
Incendiary and flaming weapons were used in warfare for centuries prior to the invention of Greek fire. They included a number of sulphur-, petroleum- and bitumen-based mixtures. Incendiary arrows and ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:21
Incendiary device
Development and use in World War I The first incendiary devices to be dropped during World War I fell on coastal towns in the south west of England on the night of 18–19 January 1915. The small numbe ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:20
Government and bureaucracy
In the Byzantine state, the emperor became the sole and absolute ruler, and his power was regarded as having divine origin. The Senate ceased to have real political and legislative authority but remai ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:19
Alexios I and the First Crusade
After Manzikert, a partial recovery (referred to as the Komnenian restoration) was made possible by the Komnenian dynasty. The first Komnenian emperor was Isaac I (1057–1059), after which the Doukas ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:18
Byzantine Empire
The first use of the term "Byzantine" to label the later years of the Roman Empire was in 1557, when the German historian Hieronymus Wolf published his work Corpus Histori? Byzantin?, a collection o ...
category:    2014-6-29 18:17

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