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Arabic ?ādiq (????) and Ethiopic Tsadd?q (???), are cognates with similar meaning. The title of Voltaire's satirical novel Zadig also stems from this root. ?edeq "Righteousness" in Canaanit ...
category:    2014-7-5 18:05
Terminology and origin The Yiddish term Rebbe comes from the Hebrew word rabbi, meaning "My Master", which is the way a student would address a master of Torah. It was an honorific originally given to ...
category:    2014-7-5 18:04
Baal Shem Tov
Yisroel (Israel) was born to poor and not very young parents Eliezer and Sarah in a settlement near Okopy ?wi?tej Trójcy, a newly built fortress close to Kameniec in the West Ukraine, where Zbruch ...
category:    2014-7-5 18:02
Jewish mysticism
Three aims in Jewish mysticism The Kabbalistic form of Jewish mysticism itself divides into three general streams: the Theosophical/Speculative Kabbalah (seeking to understand and describe the divine ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:45
Orthodox Judaism
Orthodoxy is not a single movement or school of thought. There is no single rabbinical body to which all rabbis are expected to belong, or any one organisation representing member congregations. In th ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:44
"Loving-kindness" is also often used as an English translation of chesed, originating with the Coverdale Bible of 1535. Although some consider it to be a somewhat archaic translation, it remains one o ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:42
Bekishe, Gartel and Rekel
Within the Hasidic world, one can distinguish different Hasidic groups by subtle differences in dress. Some details of their dress are shared by non-Hasidic Haredim. Much of Hasidic dress was historic ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:31
The Hasidic Tales
"The Hasidic Tales", as they are known en masse, are a collection of Hasidic stories and anecdotes collected from the late eighteenth century onward that deal with a variety of topics having to do wit ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:29
Hasidic Judaism
Yisroel (Israel) ben Eliezer, most commonly known as Baal Shem Tov, founded Hasidic Judaism in the 18th century.In Poland, where the bulk of Yiddish-speaking Jewry had established itself by the 18th c ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:27
Ontology, in analytic philosophy, concerns the determination whether some categories of being are fundamental and asks in what sense can the items in those categories be said to "be". It is the inquir ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:26
Religious text
The oldest known religious texts are Pyramid texts of Ancient Egypt that date to 2400-2300 BCE. The earliest form of the Phoenician alphabet found to date is the inscription on the sarcophagus of King ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:24
Religious denomination
Main article: Development of new religionsDenominations often form slowly over time for many reasons. Due to historical accidents of geography, culture and influence between different groups, members ...
category:    2014-7-5 17:12
Ein Sof
The Zohar explains the term "Ein Sof" as follows:Before He gave any shape to the world, before He produced any form, He was alone, without form and without resemblance to anything else. Who then can c ...
category:    2014-7-5 14:50
Other modern syncretic religions
Recently developed religious systems that exhibit marked syncretism include the New World religions Candomblé, 21 Division, Vodou and Santería, which analogize various Yorùbá and other African dei ...
category:    2014-7-5 14:48
Nomenclature, orthography, and etymology The Oxford English Dictionary first attests the word syncretism in English in 1618. It derives from modern Latin syncretismus, drawing on Greek συγκρητ ...
category:    2014-7-5 14:47

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