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?rsted (satellite)
Mission Objectives The main scientific objective of the spacecraft was to map the Earth's magnetic field and collect data to determine the changes occurring in the field.Based on data from the ?rsted ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:33
WIND (spacecraft)
The science objectives of the WIND mission Provide complete plasma, energetic particle, and magnetic field input for magnetospheric and ionospheric studies.Determine the magnetospheric output to inter ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:32
Geotail is a satellite observing the Earth's magnetosphere. It was developed by Japan's ISAS in association with the United States' NASA, and was launched by a Delta II rocket on July 24, 1992.From th ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:31
Dynamics Explorer
Both spacecraft had a polygonal shape, and were approximately 137 cm in diameter and 115 cm high. Each also had a 200-cm radio antenna and two 6-meter booms which were needed to distance some of the e ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:30
Explorer 14
Explorer 14 is a spin-stabilized, solar-cell-powered spacecraft instrumented to measure cosmic-ray particles, trapped particles, solar wind protons, and magnetospheric and interplanetary magnetic fiel ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:29
International Cometary Explorer
Original mission: International Sun/Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) ICE missionISEE-3 carries no cameras; instead, its instruments measure energetic particles, waves, plasmas, and fields.ISEE-3 originally o ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:28
Alouette 1
Satellite launch and mission progress Alouette 1 was launched by NASA from the Pacific Missile Range at Vandenberg AFB, California, USA at 06:05 UTC on September 29, 1962, into orbit around the earth. ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:27
Explorer 10
The objective was to investigate the magnetic fields and plasma as the spacecraft passed through Earth's magnetosphere and into cislunar space. The satellite was launched into a highly-elliptical orbi ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:19
Pioneer 5
The spacecraft was a 0.66 m diameter sphere with four solar panels that spanned over 1.4 m. It was equipped with four scientific instruments:A triple coincidence omnidirectional proportional counter t ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:18
Vanguard 3
The satellite was launched from the Eastern Test Range into a geocentric orbit. The objectives of the flight were to measure the Earth's magnetic field, the solar X-ray radiation and its effects on th ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:17
Luna 2
Luna 2 showed time variations in the electron flux and energy spectrum in the Van Allen radiation belt.USSR pennants The copy of the Soviet pennant sent on the Luna 2 probe to the moon, at the Kansas ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:16
Explorer 6
Explorer 6, or S-2, was an American satellite launched on August 7, 1959. It was a small, spheroidal satellite designed to study trapped radiation of various energies, galactic cosmic rays, geomagneti ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:15
Luna 1
Luna 1 contained radio equipment including a tracking transmitter and telemetry system, and five instruments to study the Moon and interplanetary space; including a magnetometer, geiger counter, scint ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:07
Pioneer 1
Pioneer 1 was fabricated by Ramo-Wooldridge Corp.(TRW), and consisted of a thin cylindrical midsection with a squat truncated cone on each side. The cylinder was 74 cm (29 in) in diameter and the heig ...
category:    2014-7-7 23:06
In Ancient Rome, long before the existence of the decimal system, computations were often made in fractions which were multiples of 1/100. For example Augustus levied a tax of 1/100 on goods sold at a ...
category:    2014-7-7 22:58

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