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Kaiyuan era (713–741)
Emperor Xuanzong's Kaiyuan era is usually viewed as one of the golden ages of Chinese history – a period of political stability, peace in society, and economic prosperity, in addition to advances in ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:51
Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
Li Longji was born at the Tang Dynasty eastern capital Luoyang in 685, during the first reign of his father Emperor Ruizong (Li Dan) – but at that time, Emperor Ruizong's mother Empress Dowager Wu (l ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:50
Queen regnant
The term "queen regnant" is a product of recent history and the English language. In Ancient Egypt, Ancient Persia (Iran Kingdom), Asian and Pacific cultures, and even some European countries, as note ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:49
Elimination of suspected rivals
In 688, Empress Dowager Wu was set to make sacrifices to the deity of the Luo River (洛水, flowing through the Henan province city of Luoyang, then the "Eastern Capital"). Wu summoned senior members o ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:48
Wu Zetian
The Wu clan originated in Wenshui, Bingzhou (today's Wenshui County, Shanxi). Wu Zetian was born as Wu Mei, in Lizhou (利州) (modern day Guangyuan City in Sichuan Province), or else in the imperial ca ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:46
Standing army
A standing army is a permanent, often professional, army. It is composed of full-time soldiers (who may be either career soldiers or conscripts) and is not disbanded during times of peace. It differs ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:45
Fubing system
The Fubing system (府兵制), also romanized as Fu-ping, was a local militia system existing in China between the 6th century and 8th century. It originated in the Western Wei dynasty, and was subsequen ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:44
Equal-field system
The system worked on the basis that all land was owned by the government, which would then assign it to individual families. Every individual, including slaves, was entitled to a certain amount of lan ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:43
Details of the imperial examination
By 115 AD, a set curriculum had become established for the so-called First Generation of examination takers. They were tested on their proficiency in the "Six Arts":Scholastic arts: music, arithmetic, ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:36
Imperial examination
In the Song dynasty (960 to 1279) more than a hundred higher level examinations were held. Officials selected through the exams became dominant in the bureaucracy. Theoretically, the examinations were ...
category:    2014-8-4 20:34
Qing dynasty and 20th century China
The Manchus invaded China in the mid-17th century AD, allowed through the northern passes by the Chinese general Wu Sangui once the Ming capital at Beijing had fallen into the hands of a rebel army. T ...
category:    2014-8-4 19:54
Grand Canal (China)
In the late Spring and Autumn period (722–481 BC), King Fuchai of Wu, ruler of the State of Wu (present-day Suzhou), ventured north to conquer the neighboring State of Qi. He ordered a canal be const ...
category:    2014-8-4 19:53
Tang dynasty in Inner Asia
The Tang dynasty was one of the Golden Ages of Chinese history. Coming out of the devastation of the late Sui, Tang emperors were eager to secure China's borders by defeating the Gokturks who were the ...
category:    2014-8-4 19:52
Imperial Chinese tributary system
The traditional Chinese international structure was different from many other systems developed in other parts of the world. First, it was premised on the belief that China was the cultural center of ...
category:    2014-8-4 19:51
Late reign (642–649)
See also: Emperor Taizong's campaign against Goguryeo, campaign against Xueyantuo, campaign against Xiyu states, Conquest of Kucha and Tang campaigns against KarasahrBy 642, it was clear that Li Tai h ...
category:    2014-8-4 19:37

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