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Lucius Cornelius Cinna
Not much is known about Cinna before his bid for the consulship of 87 BC. He had praetorian rank in the Social War (91–88 BC), and had most likely also been praetor previous to this time. Cinna was e ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:31
Sulla's first civil war
The Social War (91–88 BC) was fought against the Socii, Roman allies in Italy, and was the result of Rome's intransigence in regarding the civil liberties of its own citizens (Romans) as superior to ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:29
Mithridates' antidote
In his youth, after the assassination of his father Mithridates V in 120 BC, Mithridates is said to have lived in the wilderness for seven years, inuring himself to hardship. While there, and after hi ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:26
Mithridates VI of Pontus
Ancestry, family and early life Mithridates was a prince of Persian and Greek ancestry. He claimed descent from Cyrus the Great, from the family of Darius the Great, the Regent Antipater and from the ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:25
Lucius Julius Caesar (consul 90 BC)
Lucius Julius Caesar (ca. 135 BC–87 BC) was a consul of the Roman Republic in 90 BC. He was involved in the downfall of the plebeian tribune Lucius Appuleius Saturninus in 100 BC.He was elected praet ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:24
Social War (90–88 BC)
Roman victory in the Samnite wars resulted in effective Roman dominance of the Italian peninsula. This dominance was expressed in a collection of alliances between Rome and the cities and communities ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:22
Marcus Livius Drusus (tribune)
The younger Marcus Livius Drusus, son of Marcus Livius Drusus, was tribune of the plebeians in 91 BC. In the manner of Gaius Gracchus, he set out with comprehensive plans, but his aim was to strengthe ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:21
In the late second century BC, many of the Teutones, under their leader Teutobod as well as the Cimbri, migrated from their original homes in southern Scandinavia and on the Jutland peninsula of Denma ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:18
Archaeologists have not found any clear indications of a mass migration from Jutland in the early Iron Age. The Gundestrup Cauldron, which was deposited in a bog in Himmerland in the 2nd or 1st centur ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:17
Bocchus I
Bocchus (Greek: Βοκχο?, Bochos) was a king of Mauretania about 110 BC and designated by historians as Bocchus I. He was also the father-in-law of Jugurtha, with whom he made war against the Roma ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:16
Until the reign of Jugurtha's grandfather Masinissa, the people of Numidia were semi-nomadic and indistinguishable from the other Libyans in North Africa. Masinissa established a kingdom (roughly equi ...
category:    2014-8-10 23:35
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Numidicus
Youth and cursus honorum Born the son of Lucius Caecilius Metellus Calvus, in his youth he was sent to Athens, where he studied under Carneades, celebrated philosopher and great master of oratory. He ...
category:    2014-8-10 23:33
Caecilius Metellus
The Caecilii Metelli were one of the most important and wealthiest families in the Roman Republic. They were nobles, although of plebeian, not of patrician stock. The Caecilii Metelli remained a polit ...
category:    2014-8-10 23:32
Novus homo
In the Early Republic, both Senate membership and the consulship were restricted to patricians. When plebeians gained the right to this office during the Conflict of the Orders, all newly elected pleb ...
category:    2014-8-10 23:31
Sulla's second civil war
In 83 BC Sulla prepared his 5 legions and left the 2 originally under Fimbria to maintain peace in Asia Minor. In the spring of that year, Sulla crossed the Adriatic with a large fleet from Patrae, we ...
category:    2014-8-10 23:30

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