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Julia (daughter of Julius Caesar)
Julia was probably born around 76 BC. After her mother died in 69 BC, she was raised by her paternal grandmother Aurelia Cotta. Her father engaged her to Quintus Servilius Caepio, who could have been ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:46
Return to Rome, and third triumph
News of Pompey's victories in the east – and probably of his divine honours there – reached Rome before he did. He had cult at Delos and was "saviour" in Samos and Mytelene. Plutarch quotes a wall-g ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:45
Early life and political debut Pompey's father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, was a wealthy landed Italian provincial from Picenum, one of the homines novi (new men). Pompeius Strabo ascended the traditiona ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:43
Crassus and Spartacus
Crassus was rising steadily up the cursus honorum, the sequence of offices held by Roman citizens seeking political power, when ordinary Roman politics were interrupted by two events – first, the Thi ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:42
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Marcus Licinius Crassus was the second of three sons born to the eminent senator and vir triumphalis P. Licinius Crassus (consul 97, censor 89 BC). This line was not descended from the Crassi Divites, ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:39
Julia Caesaris (wife of Marius)
Julia Caesaris (c. 130 BC – 69 BC) was a daughter of Gaius Julius Caesar II and Marcia (sister of consul Quintus Marcius Rex). She was a sister of Gaius Julius Caesar III (the father of Julius Caesar ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:35
Writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Cicero was declared a "righteous pagan" by the early Catholic Church, and therefore many of his works were deemed worthy of preservation. Subsequent Roman writers quoted liberally from his works De Re ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:33
Main article: Personal life of Marcus Tullius CiceroEarly life Cicero was born in 106 BC in Arpinum, a hill town 100 kilometers (62 mi) southeast of Rome. His father was a well-to-do member of the equ ...
category:    2014-8-11 22:22
Catiline was born in 108 BC to one of the oldest patrician families in Rome, gens Sergia. Although his family was of consular heritage, they were then declining in both social and financial fortunes. ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:48
Tribune of the Plebs
Fifteen years after the expulsion of the kings and establishment of the Roman Republic, the plebeians were burdened by the weight of crushing debt and unemployment. A series of clashes between the peo ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:44
Magistrates, politicians, advocates and other orators spoke to the assembled people of Rome from this highly honored, and elevated spot. Consecrated by the Augurs as a templum, the original Rostra was ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:37
Sulla's second civil war
Sulla had achieved temporary control of Rome and Marius's exile to Africa through his first march on Rome, but departed soon afterwards to lead the First Mithridatic War. This departure allowed Gaius ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:36
Publius Sulpicius Rufus
Publius Sulpicius Rufus (/?ru?f?s/; c. 121 BC – 88 BC) was an orator and statesman of the Roman Republic, legate in 89 to Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo in the Social War, and in 88 tribune of the plebs.S ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:35
Gnaeus Octavius
Gnaeus Octavius was a member of the Plebeian gens Octavia. His father, also called Gnaeus Octavius, was Consul in 128 BC, while his uncle, Marcus Octavius, was a key figure in opposition to the reform ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:33
Preparations while in exile
Cinna then began to raise an army from the Italian countryside. His connections with the Italian groups seem to have been quite strong, as they quickly joined his forces (although accusations of bribe ...
category:    2014-8-11 21:32

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