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Lead poisoning
Classically, "lead poisoning" or "lead intoxication" has been defined as exposure to high levels of lead typically associated with severe health effects. Poisoning is a pattern of symptoms that occur ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:42
Sanitary sewer
Main article: Combined sewerAnimal feces were plentiful on city streets while animal-powered transport moved people and goods. Accumulations of animal feces encouraged dumping chamber pots into street ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:40
Cloaca Maxima
The Cloaca Maxima (also called the Maxima Cloaca) is one of the world's earliest sewage systems. Constructed in Ancient Rome in order to drain local marshes and remove the waste of one of the world's ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:39
Marshes provide habitat for many types of plants and animals that have adapted to living in flooded conditions. The plants must be able to survive in wet mud with low oxygen levels. Many of these plan ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:38
Tap water
Publicly available treated water has historically been associated with major increases in life expectancy and improved public health. Water-borne diseases are vastly reduced by proper sewage and fresh ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:37
Cultural variations
In many parts of Asia, people traditionally defecate (and women to urinate) in a squatting position, therefore some homes and some public washrooms have squat toilets, i.e. the toilet bowl is installe ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:36
Flush toilet
Ancient systems Dholavira Sophisticated Water Reservoir, evidence for hydraulic sewage systems in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization.Primitive forms of flush toilets have been found to exist since ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:35
Art motif
Bathing scenes were already in the Middle Ages a popular subject of painters. Most of the subjects were women shown nude, but the interest was probably less to the bathing itself rather than to provid ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:33
By the mid-19th century, the English urbanised middle classes had formed an ideology of cleanliness that ranked alongside typical Victorian concepts, such as Christianity, respectability and social pr ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:32
Throughout history, societies devised systems to enable water to be brought to population centres.Ancient Greece utilized small bathtubs, wash basins, and foot baths for personal cleanliness. The earl ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:31
Further information: History of water supply and sanitationThe earliest evidence of urban sanitation was seen in Harappa, Mohenjo-daro and the recently discovered Rakhigarhi of Indus Valley civilizati ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:30
Sample building code regulations regarding back siphonage
From Ontario's building code: SiphonageEvery potable water system that supplies a fixture or tank that is not subject to pressures above atmospheric shall be protected against back-siphona ...
category:    2014-8-24 23:05
Modern research into the operation of the siphon
In 1948, Malcolm Nokes investigated siphons working in both air pressure and in a partial vacuum, he concluded that: "The gravitational force on the column of liquid in the downtake tube less the grav ...
category:    2014-8-24 23:04
The word siphon (from Ancient Greek: σ?φων "pipe, tube", also called syphon) is sometimes used to refer to a wide variety of devices that involve the flow of liquids through tubes – see siphon t ...
category:    2014-8-24 23:03
Aqueduct (water supply)
Further information: History of water supply and sanitationNabataean aqueduct in Petra (Jordan)Although particularly associated with the Romans, aqueducts were devised much earlier in Greece and the N ...
category:    2014-8-24 23:01

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