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Religion in Europe and Christendom
Further information: Christianity in Europe, Islam in Europe, Hinduism in Europe and Buddhism in EuropeEurobarometer Poll 2005 chart resultsSince the High Middle Ages, most of Europe used to be domina ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:42
Genetic, Prehistoric , Eurasian nomads and Indo-European expansion
The Basques are assumed to descend from the populations of the Atlantic Bronze Age directly. The Indo-European groups of Europe (the Centum groups plus Balto-Slavic and Albanian) are assumed to have d ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:40
Ethnic groups in Europe
Further information: Demographics of EuropeThere are eight peoples of Europe (defined by their language) with more than 30 million members residing in Europe:the Russians (ca. 95 million residing in E ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:39
Dutch Australia and New Zealand
Terra Australis Ignota (Latin, "the unknown land of the south") was a hypothetical continent appearing on European maps from the 15th to the 18th centuries, with roots in a notion introduced by Aristo ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:37
Northern European involvement (1595–17th century)
Nations outside Iberia refused to acknowledge the Treaty of Tordesillas. France, the Netherlands and England each had a long maritime tradition and had been engaging in privateering. Despite Iberian p ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:37
Age of Discovery
Protected from direct Spanish competition by the treaty of Tordesillas, Portuguese eastward exploration and colonization continued apace. Twice, in 1485 and 1488, Portugal officially rejected Christop ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:35
Sessility (zoology)
Sessile animals typically have a motile phase in their development. Sponges have a motile larval stage, which becomes sessile at maturity. In contrast, many jellyfish develop as sessile polyps early i ...
category:    2014-8-28 22:33
Roman Scholarly studies
Interest in studying ancient Rome arose during theAge of Enlightenment in France.Charles Montesquieuwrote a workReflections on the Causes of the Grandeur and Declension of the Romans. The first major ...
category:    2014-8-26 00:16
Political institutions of ancient Rome
Roman ConstitutionConstitution of the Roman KingdomConstitution of the Roman RepublicConstitution of the Roman EmpireConstitution of the Late Roman EmpireLaws Roman lawList of Roman lawsTwelve TablesD ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:53
History of Western civilization
The Medieval West Justinian IThe Medieval West was at its broadest the same as Christendom, including both the "Latin" or "Frankish" West, and the Orthodox Eastern part, where Greek remained the langu ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:51
The word classics is derived from the Latin adjective classicus, meaning "belonging to the highest class of citizens."History of the Western Classics The first “Classic” writer was Aulus Gellius, a ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:49
Legacy of the Roman Empire
Latin was the lingua franca of the early Roman Empire and later the Western Roman Empire, while particularly in the East indigenous languages such as Greek and to lesser degree Egyptian and Aramaic la ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:48
Birth rate
The birth rate is an issue of concern and policy for national governments. Some (including those of Italy and Malaysia) seek to increase the birth rate with financial incentives or provision of suppor ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:46
Animal lead poisoning
Humans are not alone in suffering from lead's effects; plants and animals are also affected by lead toxicity to varying degrees depending on species. Animals experience many of the same effects of lea ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:44
Reference Blood Lead Levels
The current reference range for acceptable blood lead concentrations in healthy persons without excessive exposure to environmental sources of lead is less than 5 ?g/dL for children. It was less than ...
category:    2014-8-25 21:43

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