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门户 Mathematics Mathematical statements NP-complete problems

NP-complete problems

Symbolin HTML Symbolin TEX Name Explanation ExamplesRead asCategory== equalityis equal to;equalseverywherex = y means x and y represent the same thing or value. 2 = 21 + 1 = 2≠\ne inequalityis not eq ...
2014-3-16 11:42
List of mathematical symbols
This is a list of symbols found within all branches of mathematics to express a formula or to represent a constant.When reading the list, it is important to recognize that a mathematical concept is in ...
2014-3-16 11:41
Axiomatic set theory
In 1931, Kurt G?del proved the first ZFC undecidability result, namely that the consistency of ZFC itself was undecidable in ZFC.Moreover the following statements are independent of ZFC (shown by Pau ...
2014-3-16 11:41
List of statements undecidable in ZFC
The mathematical statements discussed below are provably undecidable in ZFC (the Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms plus the axiom of choice, the canonical axiomatic set theory of contemporary mathematics), ass ...
2014-3-16 11:40

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