Further information: Software engineeringCache algorithmsCHS conversion: converting between disk addressing systemsDouble dabble: Convert binary numbers to BCDHash Function: convert a large, possibly ...
Main articles: Information theory and Signal processingCoding theoryFurther information: Coding theoryError detection and correctionFurther information: Error detection and correctionBCH CodesBerlekam ...
Further information: Computer scienceComputer architectureFurther information: Computer architectureTomasulo algorithm: allows sequential instructions that would normally be stalled due to certain dep ...
Further information: Computational scienceAstronomyMain article: Astronomical algorithmsDoomsday algorithm: day of the weekZeller's congruence is an algorithm to calculate the day of the week for any ...
Further information: Computational mathematicsSee also: Combinatorial algorithms and Computational scienceAbstract algebraFurther information: Abstract AlgebraChien search: a recursive algorithm for d ...
Further information: CombinatoricsGeneral combinatorial algorithmsBrent's algorithm: finds cycles in iterations using only two iteratorsFloyd's cycle-finding algorithm: finds cycles in iterationsGale ...