There are some functions whose antiderivatives cannot be expressed in closed form. However, the values of the definite integrals of some of these functions over some common intervals can be calculated ...
C is used for an arbitrary constant of integration that can only be determined if something about the value of the integral at some point is known. Thus each function has an infinite number of antider ...
More detail may be found on the following pages for the lists of integrals:List of integrals of rational functionsList of integrals of irrational functionsList of integrals of trigonometric functionsL ...
A compilation of a list of integrals (Integraltafeln) and techniques of integral calculus was published by the German mathematician Meyer Hirsch in 1810. These tables were republished in the United Ki ...
Integration is the basic operation in integral calculus. While differentiation has easy rules by which the derivative of a complicated function can be found by differentiating its simpler component fu ...