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门户 Health Illness Depression


Epidemiology of depression
Depression is a major cause of morbidity worldwide. It is believed to currently affect approximately 298 million people as of 2010 (4.3% of the global population). Lifetime prevalence varies widely, f ...
2014-3-11 00:29
Major depressive episodes often resolve over time whether or not they are treated. Outpatients on a waiting list show a 10–15% reduction in symptoms within a few months, with approximately 20% no lon ...
2014-3-11 00:27
Management of depression
Main article: Management of depressionThe three most common treatments for depression are psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for people ...
2014-3-11 00:24
The three most common treatments for depression are psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for people under 18, while electroconvulsive ther ...
2014-3-11 00:23
Behavioral interventions, such as interpersonal therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy, are effective at preventing new onset depression. Because such interventions appear to be most effective when ...
2014-3-11 00:22
Clinical assessmentFurther information: Rating scales for depressionA diagnostic assessment may be conducted by a suitably trained general practitioner, or by a psychiatrist or psychologist, who recor ...
2014-3-11 00:19
Biology of depression
Monoamine hypothesis Of approx. 30 neurotransmitters that have been identified, researchers have discovered associations between clinical depression and the function of three major neurochemicals. The ...
2014-3-11 00:18
The biopsychosocial model proposes that biological, psychological, and social factors all play a role in causing depression. The diathesis–stress model specifies that depression results when a preexi ...
2014-3-11 00:17
Major depression frequently co-occurs with other psychiatric problems. The 1990–92 National Comorbidity Survey (US) reports that 51% of those with major depression also suffer from lifetime anxiety. ...
2014-3-11 00:15
Symptoms and signs
Major depression significantly affects a person's family and personal relationships, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. Its impact on functioning and well-being has b ...
2014-3-11 00:14
Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder; or as recurrent depression in the case of repeated episodes) is a menta ...
2014-3-11 00:13

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