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Jaguars in Mesoamerican cultures
The Olmec civilization was first defined as a distinctive art style at the turn of the nineteenth century. The various sculpture, figurines, and celts from what now is recognized as the Olmec heartlan ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:15
Means for recording information
H.G. Wells argued that writing has the ability to "put agreements, laws, commandments on record. It made the growth of states larger than the old city states possible. It made a continuous historical ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:13
In general, weaving involves using a loom to interlace two sets of threads at right angles to each other: the warp which runs longitudinally and the weft (older woof) that crosses it. One warp thread ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:10
The word "loom" is derived from the Old English "geloma" formed from ge-(perfective prefix) and loma, a root of unknown origin; this meant utensil or tool of any kind. In 1404 it was used to mean a ma ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:07
Circa (from Latin, meaning "around, about"), usually abbreviated c., ca or ca. (also circ. or cca.), means "approximately" in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Serbian, German, Dutch, Roman ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:06
History of the concept The word civilization comes from the Latin civilis, meaning civil, related to the Latin civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city or city-state. Adjectives such as Engli ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:04
Subsistence economy
A subsistence economy is a non-monetary economy which relies on natural resources to provide for basic needs, through hunting, gathering, and subsistence agriculture. "Subsistence" means supporting on ...
category:    2014-6-16 22:02
Clay ware takes on varying physical characteristics during the making of pottery.Greenware refers to unfired objects. At sufficient moisture content, bodies at this stage are in their most plastic for ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:58
History of agriculture
Agricultural practices such as irrigation, crop rotation, application of fertilizers and pesticides, and the domestication of livestock were developed long ago, but have made great progress in the pas ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:55
Lithic stage
In the sequence of North American prehistoric cultural stages first proposed by Gordon Willey and Philip Phillips in 1958, the Lithic stage was the earliest period of human occupation in the Americas, ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:53
History of Mesoamerica (Paleo-Indian)
Scientific opinion regarding human antiquity in Mesoamerica has reflected larger trends in conceptualizing human antiquity in the western hemisphere in general. Within that foundational topic, the est ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:52
35th century BC
Susa (Iran since 7000 BC)Uruk period (Sumer)Naqada IIb (Ancient Egypt)Early Minoan ISredny Stog culture (final phase)Yamna culture (early phase)Cucuteni cultureVin?a cultureMegalithic Europe (Atlanti ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:51
10th millennium BC
c. 10,000 BC; First cave drawings of the Mesolithic period are made, with war scenes and religious scenes, *beginnings of what became story telling, and metamorphosed into acting.c. 10,000 BC; Bottle ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:49
Writing many years after his journey across Petén, conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo called the city Tayasal; this appears to have been a hispanicisation of the Itza language ta itza ("at the pl ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:47
Maya city
Maya cities were not formally planned like the cities of highland Mexico and were subject to irregular expansion, with the haphazard addition of palaces, temples and other buildings. Most Maya cities ...
category:    2014-6-16 21:46

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