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While the standards for determining whether a body of knowledge, methodology, or practice is scientific can vary from field to field, a number of basic principles are widely agreed upon by scientists. ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:39
Interpretations of quantum mechanics
Since its inception, the many counter-intuitive aspects and results of quantum mechanics have provoked strong philosophical debates and many interpretations. Even fundamental issues, such as Max Born' ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:35
Quantum mechanics
Scientific inquiry into the wave nature of light began in the 17th and 18th centuries when scientists such as Robert Hooke, Christiaan Huygens and Leonhard Euler proposed a wave theory of light based ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:34
Quantum mysticism
The term originally emerged from the founders of quantum theory in the early twentieth century as they debated the interpretations and implications of their nascent theories, which would later evolve ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:33
The term "holism" was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts, a South African statesman, in his book Holism and Evolution. Smuts defined holism as the "tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:27
Ahmadiyya views on evolution
The Ahmadiyya movement emphasize that there is no contradiction between Islam and science. For example, Ahmadi Muslims universally accept in principle the process of evolution, albeit divinely guided, ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:26
Relationship between religion and science
The kinds of interactions that might arise between science and religion have been categorized, according to theologian, Anglican priest and physicist John Polkinghorne are: 1) conflict between the dis ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:24
Particle physics
Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles, including atomic constituents such as electrons, protons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are composite particles called baryons, ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:23
Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
Objectivism is a system of philosophy created by philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand (1905–1982) that holds: reality exists independent of consciousness; human beings gain knowledge rationally from per ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:22
In the English language, the word "individualism" was first introduced, as a pejorative, by the Owenites in the late 1830s, although it is unclear if they were influenced by Saint-Simonianism or came ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:21
Psychosexual development
Freud’s theory of psychosexual development proposes that, following on from the initial polymorphous perversity of infantile sexuality, the sexual “drives” pass through the distinct developmental p ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:20
Sigmund Freud
Early life and educationphotographFreud's birthplace, a rented room in a locksmith's housephotographFreud (aged 16) and his beloved mother, Amalia, in 1872Freud was born to Jewish Galician parents in ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:18
The term "holism" was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts, a South African statesman, in his book Holism and Evolution. Smuts defined holism as the "tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:16
In Catholicism, while the meaning of the term and its antithesis vary, the “Supernatural Order” is the gratuitous production, by God, of the ensemble of miracles for the elevation of man to a state ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:11
John Hedley Brooke
Brooke is the son of Hedley Joseph Brooke, and Margaret Brooke, née Brown. He was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Retford, then Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. On 30 Aug 1972, he married J ...
category:    2014-7-6 16:09

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