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Unani medicine
Though the threads which comprise Unani healing can be traced all the way back to Galen of Pergamon, who lived in the 2nd century AD, the basic knowledge of Unani medicine as a healing system was deve ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:31
Avicenna created an extensive corpus of works during what is commonly known as the Islamic Golden Age, in which the translations of Greco-Roman, Persian, and Indian texts were studied extensively. Gre ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:30
Psychology, the soul and prophetic knowledge
In his treatment of the human soul, al-Farabi draws on a basic Aristotelian outline, which is informed by the commentaries of later Greek thinkers. He says it is composed of four faculties: The appeti ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:29
The existing variations in the basic accounts of al-Farabi's origins and pedigree indicate that they were not recorded during his lifetime or soon thereafter by anyone with concrete information, but w ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:28
Alchemy and chemistry in medieval Islam
Atomistic philosophies are found very early in Islamic philosophy, and represent a synthesis of the Greek and Indian ideas. Like both the Greek and Indian versions, Islamic atomism was a charged topic ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:27
Early Islamic philosophy
The life of Muhammad or sira which generated both the Qur'an (revelation) and hadith (his daily utterances and discourses on social and legal matters), during which philosophy was defined by Muslims a ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:26
modern Arabic poetry
Beginning in the 19th and early 20th centuries, as part of what is now called "the Arabic renaissance" or "al-Nahda", poets like Francis Marrash, Ahmad Shawqi and Hafiz Ibrahim began to explore the po ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:25
Arabic literature
The exemplar of classical literature The Qur'an was one of the first major works of Arabic literature and definitely the most influential.The Qur'an had a significant influence on the Arab language. T ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:24
Islamic art
The golden age of Islamic (and/or Muslim) art lasted from 750 to the 16th century, when ceramics (especially lusterware), glass, metalwork, textiles, illuminated manuscripts, and woodwork flourished. ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:13
Islamic Golden Age
The government heavily patronized scholars. The money spent on the Translation Movement for some translations is estimated to be equivalent to about twice the annual research budget of the United King ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:12
Aristotle's work on aesthetics consists of the Poetics and Rhetoric. The Poetics is specifically concerned with drama. At some point, Aristotle's original work was divided in two, each "book" written ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:10
English translations of Dante's Divine comedy
New English translations of the Divine Comedy continue to be published regularly. Notable English translations of the complete poem include the following.Year Translator Notes1805–1814 Henry Francis ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:08
Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy is composed of 14,233 lines that are divided into three canticas (Ital. pl. cantiche)—Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise)—each consisting of 33 cantos ( ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:08
Education and poetry
Not much is known about Dante's education; he presumably studied at home or in a chapter school attached to a church or monastery in Florence. It is known that he studied Tuscan poetry and that he adm ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:06
The Kōmos (Ancient Greek: κ?μο?; pl. kōmoi) was a ritualistic drunken procession performed by revelers in ancient Greece, whose participants were known as komasts (κωμαστα?, kōmastaí) ...
category:    2014-7-16 23:04

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