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Dance notation
The primary uses of dance notation are historical dance preservation through documentation, and analysis or reconstruction of choreography, dance forms, and technical exercises. In ethnochoreology, da ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:30
Ethnochoreology (also dance ethnology, dance anthropology) is the study of dance through the application of a number of disciplines such as anthropology, musicology (ethnomusicology), ethnography, etc ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:29
Bologna_process § Poland
In Poland the system is similar to the German one.licencjat title - given by a university; the equivalent of Bachelor of Arts degree or Bachelor of Science degree (depending on academic major); grante ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:28
Academic degree
The modern academic system of academic degrees evolved and expanded in the medieval university, spreading everywhere across the globe as the institution did:"No other European institution has spread o ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:27
Bachelor of Arts
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa In colleges and universities in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the B.A. degree can be taken over three years of full-time study. Students must pu ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:24
Literature is a term that does not have a universally accepted definition, but which has variably included all written work; writing that possesses literary merit; and language that foregrounds litera ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:23
In the Middle Ages, the Artes Liberales (liberal arts) were taught in universities as part of the Trivium – an introductory curriculum involving grammar, rhetoric, and logic – and of the Quadrivium ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:22
Practice research
Practice research is a form of academic research which incorporates an element of practice in the methodology or research output.Rather than seeing the relationship between practice and theory as a di ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:20
Situated knowledge
Situated knowledge is knowledge specific to a particular situation. It is a term coined by Donna Haraway as an extension of the feminist approaches of "successor science" suggested by Sandra Harding, ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:19
Discipline (academia)
A discipline (or specialism) is knowledge or a concentration in one academic field of study or profession. A discipline incorporates expertise, people, projects, communities, challenges, studies, inqu ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:18
Dance education
In general, a dance education curriculum is designed to impart dance performance skills, or knowledge of dance, or both to students. Knowledge-oriented curricula may cover any of a diverse range of to ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:17
Video samples for mixed meters
Variants Additive meters To indicate more complex patterns of stresses, such as additive rhythms, more complex time signatures can be used. Additive meters have a pattern of beats that subdivide into ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:16
Time signature
Simple time signatures consist of two numerals, one stacked above the other:The lower numeral indicates the note value that represents one beat (the beat unit).The upper numeral indicates how many suc ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:15
Classical ballet
Main article: History of balletBallet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts and was brought to France by Catherine de' Medici in the 16th Century. During ballet's infancy, court ballets were pe ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:10
Classical influence on later composers
Musical eras seldom disappear at once; instead, features are replaced over time, until the old is simply felt as "old-fashioned". The Classical style did not "die" so much as transform under the weigh ...
category:    2014-7-19 21:09

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