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Ahmad ibn Rustah
Ibn Rustah (in Persian: ???? ??? ???? ??????? - A?mad ebn Roste E?fahānī, also spelled Ibn Rusta, Ibn Ruste) was a 10th-century Persian explorer and geographer born in Rosta dist ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:25
History of the Prophets and Kings
Various editions of the Annals include:An edition published under the editorship of M.J. de Goeje in three series, comprising thirteen volumes, with two extra volumes containing indices, introduction ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:22
Texts relating to Al-Tabari
It is thus an extremely early witness to the reception of al-Tabarl's text-indeed much earlier than the sources that are customarily pressed into service to improve our understanding of the Ta'rikh al ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:21
Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
Tabari was born in Amol, Tabaristan (some twenty kilometres south of the Caspian Sea) in the winter of 838–9. He memorized the Qur'an at seven, was a qualified religious leader at eight and began to ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:20
Birth, travels and literary output Al-Mas'udi tells us that he was born in Baghdad. He was a descendant of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. However, we know little else about ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:19
The Book of Healing
Earth sciences Ibn Sīnā wrote on Earth sciences such as geology in The Book of Healing. While discussing the formation of mountains, he explained:Either they are the effects of upheavals of the crus ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:17
Avicenna created an extensive corpus of works during what is commonly known as the Islamic Golden Age, in which the translations of Greco-Roman, Persian, and Indian texts were studied extensively. Gre ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:15
Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
Tabari was born in Amol, Tabaristan (some twenty kilometres south of the Caspian Sea) in the winter of 838–9. He memorized the Qur'an at seven, was a qualified religious leader at eight and began to ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:13
The Asharite view holds that:Interpretation of Quran (Tafsir) and Hadith should keep developing with the previous aid of old interpretations.Getting to know God is by studying his holy names and attri ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:12
Post-classical era
The post-classical era, also known as the Middle Ages, is a historical period following the Iron Age, fully underway by the 5th century and lasting to the 15th century, and preceding the early Modern ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:10
Universal history
Main articles: Historiography and Historical method“ Universal history is at once something more and something less than the aggregate of the national histories to which we are accustomed, that it mu ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:09
Philosophical thought
While Muslim intellectuals were already acquainted with Greek philosophy (especially logic), al-Kindi is credited with being the first real Muslim philosopher. His own thought was largely influenced b ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:07
Al-Kindi was born in Kufa to an aristocratic family of the Kinda tribe. His father was the governor of Kufa, and al-Kindi received his preliminary education there. He later went to complete his studie ...
category:    2014-7-27 22:06
Theory of interpretation
Mu'tazilah relied on a synthesis between reason and revelation. That is, their rationalism operated in the service of scripture and Islamic theological framework. They, as the majority of Muslim juris ...
category:    2014-7-27 21:30
The name Mu'tazili is thought to originate from the reflexive Stem VIII (stem ????? ifta?ala) of the Arabic triconsonantal root ?-?-? (?ayn-zayn-lim) dealing with isolation or separation, i. ...
category:    2014-7-27 21:29

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