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Main article: Secondary educationIn most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during adolescence. It is characterized by transi ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:16
Gender equality
An early advocate for gender equality was Christine de Pizan, who in her 1405 book The Book of the City of Ladies wrote that the oppression of women is founded on irrational prejudice, pointing out nu ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:14
United Nations Millennium Declaration
The Millennium Declaration has eight chapters and key objectives, adopted by 189 world leaders during the summit: The Declaration, after the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, stresses the ob ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:14
Social vulnerability
Vulnerability derives from the Latin word vulnerare (to be wounded) and describes the potential to be harmed physically and/or psychologically. Vulnerability is often understood as the counterpart of ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:13
Preparations for the 2000 Millennium Summit launched with the report of the Secretary-General entitled, "We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century". Additional input w ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:11
In 1960 ODI began in small premises in Regent's Park, central London and operated a library devoted to international development issues as well as performing consultancy work and contracts with the De ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:10
Gender and development
Women in development (WID)Theoretical approach The term “women and development” was originally coined by a Washington-based network of female development professionals in the early 1970s who sought ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:09
Social exclusion
Individual exclusion"The marginal man...is one whom fate has condemned to live in two societies and in two, not merely different but antagonistic cultures....his mind is the crucible in which two diff ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:08
The SID Secretariat has been based in Rome since 1979. Additionally, SID opened a Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa in Nairobi in 2003.Governing CouncilSID members elect the SID Governin ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:07
In Africa, one of the first to recognise the importance of women in farming was Baumann in 1928, with his classic article The Division of Work According to Sex in African Hoe Culture. Kaberry publishe ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:06
Ester Boserup
Born Ester B?rgesen in Copenhagen, she was the only daughter of a Danish engineer, who died when she was two years old and the family was almost destitute for several years. Then, "encouraged by her ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:04
Participation (decision_making)
Participation activities may be motivated from an administrative perspective or a citizen perspective on a governmental, corporate or social level. From the administrative viewpoint, participation can ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:02
Human rights activists
The United Nations adopted the Declaration on the right of individuals, groups and organs of society to promote and protect universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms on December 9, ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:01
International development
Although international relations and international trade have existed for many hundreds of years, it is only in the past century that international development theory emerged as a separate body of ide ...
category:    2015-2-10 12:00
General strain theory
General strain theory is a theory of criminology developed by Robert Agnew. Robert Agnew's General Strain Theory is considered to be a solid theory, and has accumulated a significant amount of empiric ...
category:    2015-2-10 11:44

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