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Theories of harmonization
There are seven chords used in four-part writing that are based upon each note of the scale. The chords are usually given Roman Numerals I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII to refer to triadic (three-note) ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:30
Music theory
In traditional Western notation, the scale used for a composition is usually indicated by a key signature at the beginning to designate the pitches that make up that scale. As the music progresses, th ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:29
French Civil Service
Angestellte work in technical, vocational and office work in a very large range of occupational fields. In most cases, they have received a training aside from the government prior to employment.Beamt ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:26
Civil service
Administrative institutions usually grow out of the personal servants of high officials, as in the Roman Empire.This developed a complex administrative structure, which is outlined in the Notitia Dign ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:25
Korean romanization
In South Korea, Korea as a whole is referred to as Hanguk (??, , lit.?"country of the Han"). The name references the Samhan—Ma, Jin, and Byeon—who preceded the Three Kingdoms in the southern and ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:23
Hu Qiaomu
Born in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province in 1912, Hu graduated from the Department of Foreign Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, National Chekiang University in 1935. Before this, he also studied his ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:22
Death, protests, and burial
Death and public reactions In October 1987 Hu retained his membership of CCP's Central Committee at the 13th Party Congress, and was subsequently elected a member of the new Politburo by the first ple ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:19
Hu Yaobang
Hu Yaobang's ancestors were from Jiangxi, but migrated into Hunan (where Hu was born) during the Ming Dynasty. Hu Yaobang was born into a poor peasant family, and received little formal education. As ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:19
Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China
The department is formerly known in the West as the Propaganda Department. The Chinese word xuānchuán (宣传) means "to disseminate" or publicize information. Although sometimes translated as "propag ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:18
Geography of Shanxi
Shanxi is located on a plateau made up of higher ground to the east (Taihang Mountains) and the west (Lüliang Mountains) and a series of valleys in the center through which the Fen River runs. The hi ...
category:    2014-7-31 22:02
The Soviet Union and similar societies
A variety of predominantly Marxist and anarchist thinkers argue that class conflict exists in Soviet-style societies. These arguments describe as a class the bureaucratic stratum formed by the ruling ...
category:    2014-7-31 21:53
Class conflict
In the past the term Class conflict was a term used mostly by socialists, who define a class by its relationship to the means of production — such as factories, land and machinery. From this point of ...
category:    2014-7-31 21:52
“Gang of Four” and their downfall
Main article: Gang of FourAntagonism towards Zhou and DengMao became depressed and reclusive after the Lin Biao incident. With Lin gone, Mao had no ready answers for who would succeed him. Sensing a s ...
category:    2014-7-31 21:51
Cultural Revolution
Great Leap ForwardMain article: Great Leap ForwardIn 1958, after China's first Five-Year Plan, Mao called for "grassroots socialism" in order to accelerate his plans for turning China into a modern in ...
category:    2014-7-31 21:50
Townships of the People's Republic of China
ProvincesList of township-level divisions of AnhuiList of township-level divisions of FujianList of township-level divisions of GansuList of township-level divisions of GuangdongList of township-level ...
category:    2014-7-31 21:48

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