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Patrician (ancient Rome)
According to Livy, the first 100 men appointed as senators by Romulus were referred to as "fathers" (patres), and the descendants of those men became the Patrician class. The patricians were distinct ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:28
Post-Imperial Senate in Rome
After the fall of the western Roman Empire, the senate continued to function under the barbarian chieftain Odoacer, and then under Ostrogothic rule. The authority of the senate rose considerably under ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:26
Roman Senate
Senate of the Roman Kingdom Main articles: Senate of the Roman Kingdom and Constitution of the Roman KingdomThe senate was a political institution in the ancient Roman kingdom. The word senate derives ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:20
In ancient Rome, imperium could be used as a term indicating a characteristic of people, the wealth held in items, or the measure of formal power they had. This qualification could be used in a rather ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:17
Separation of powers under the United States Constitution
In the United States Constitution, Article 1 Section I gives Congress only those "legislative powers herein granted" and proceeds to list those permissible actions in Article I Section 8, while Sectio ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:15
Separation of powers
Aristotle first mentioned the idea of a "mixed government" or hybrid government in his work Politics where he drew upon many of the constitutional forms in the city-states of Ancient Greece. In the Ro ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:14
Constitution of the Roman Republic
Constitutional history (509–133 BC) Main articles: History of the Roman Constitution and History of the Constitution of the Roman RepublicAt one time, Rome had been ruled by a succession of kings. Th ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:12
Roman magistrate
Executive magistrates of the Roman Kingdom Main articles: Constitution of the Roman Kingdom and Executive magistrate of the Roman KingdomThe executive magistrates of the Roman Kingdom were elected off ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:11
Lucius Junius Brutus
Prior to the establishment of the Roman Republic, Rome had been ruled by kings. Brutus led the revolt that overthrew the last king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, after the rape of the noblewoman (and ki ...
category:    2014-8-10 16:09
Overthrow of the Roman monarchy
Main articles: Roman Kingdom, King of Rome and Lucius Tarquinius SuperbusRoman history held that seven kings of Rome reigned from the establishment of the city in 753 BC by Romulus up to the reign of ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:32
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Tarquin was the son or grandson of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, the fifth king of Rome, and Tanaquil. Tanaquil had engineered her husband's succession to the Roman kingdom on the death of Ancus Marcius, ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:29
Livy was born as Titus Livius in Patavium in northern Italy, now modern Padua. There is a debate about the year of Titus Livius' birth, 64 BC or more likely 59 BC. At the time of his birth, his home c ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:27
House of the Vestals
The House of the Vestals was the residence of the vestal priestesses in Rome. Behind the Temple of Vesta (which housed the sacred fire), the Atrium Vestiae was a three-story building at the foot of th ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:26
Vestal Virgin
Livy, Plutarch, and Aulus Gellius attribute the creation of the Vestals as a state-supported priesthood to king Numa Pompilius, who reigned circa 717–673 BC. According to Livy, Numa introduced the Ve ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:25
According to ancient tradition it was built by the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, as a royal palace (Ovid Fasti 6.263; Tacitus Annales 15.41; Cass. Dio fr. 1.6.2; Plutarch Numa 14; Festus L 346- ...
category:    2014-8-10 13:22

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