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Emperorship of Marcus Aurelius
Accession of Marcus and Lucius, 161 After the death of Antoninus Pius, Marcus was effectively sole ruler of the Empire. The formalities of the position would follow. The senate would soon grant him th ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:52
Births and deaths, 147–160
On November 30, 147, Faustina gave birth to a girl, named Domitia Faustina. She was the first of at least thirteen children (including two sets of twins) that Faustina would bear over the next twenty- ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:51
Marcus Aurelius
The major sources for the life and rule of Marcus Aurelius are patchy and frequently unreliable. The most important group of sources, the biographies contained in the Historia Augusta, claim to be wri ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:38
In Rabbinic literature
Rabbinic literature is critical of his foreign policy, particularly that of religious tolerance concerning the Jews. Indeed, his policies were viewed as an attack on the religious freedom of Torah law ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:37
Hadrian was born Publius Aelius Hadrianus in Italica, or in Rome, from a well-established family which had originated in Picenum in Italy and had subsequently settled in Italica, Hispania Baetica (the ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:36
Cutaneous edema is referred to as "pitting" when, after pressure is applied to a small area, the indentation persists after the release of the pressure. Peripheral pitting edema, as shown in the illus ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:26
Ctesiphon rose to prominence during the Parthian Empire in the 1st century BC, and was the seat of government for most of its rulers. The city was located near Seleucia, the old Hellenistic capital. S ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:09
Seleucid Empire Seleucia, as such, was founded in about 305 BC, when an earlier city was enlarged and dedicated as the first capital of the Seleucid Empire by Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucus was one of t ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:07
Mesopotamia (Roman province)
In 113, Emperor Trajan (r. 98–117) launched a war against Rome's long-time eastern rival, the Parthian Empire. In 114, he conquered Armenia, which was made into a province, and by the end of 115, he ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:05
The modern Turkish name “Suru?” is derived from Serugh (Syriac: ????, S?r??, pronounced as if S?ru? in Modern Turkish orthography, but present pronunciation influenced by Arabic: ???? ...
category:    2014-8-13 22:02
First mentioned in 901 BC, Na?ibīna was an Aramaean kingdom captured by the Assyrian king Adad-Nirari II in 896. By 852 BC, Na?ibina had been fully annexed to the Neo-Assyrian Empire and appeared i ...
category:    2014-8-13 21:59
Little is known about pre-Christian Armenian literature. Many literature pieces known to us were saved and then presented to us by Moses of Chorene. This is a pagan Armenian song, telling about the bi ...
category:    2014-8-13 21:56
Kingdom of Armenia (antiquity)
Main articles: Kingdom of Van and Satrapy of ArmeniaThe geographic Armenian Highlands, then known as the highlands of Ararat (Assyrian: Urartu), was originally inhabited by Proto-Armenian tribes which ...
category:    2014-8-13 21:48
Parthia roughly corresponds to region in northeastern Iran. It was bordered by the Karakum desert in the north, included Kopet Dag mountain range and the Dasht-e-Kavir desert in the south. It bordered ...
category:    2014-8-13 21:42
Trajan's Bridge
The bridge was situated East of the Iron Gates, near the cities of Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Romania) and Kladovo (Serbia). Its construction was ordered by Emperor Trajan as a supply route for the Roman ...
category:    2014-8-13 21:39

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