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In later Greek mythology, Illyrius was the son of Cadmus and Harmonia who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of the whole Illyrian people.Illyrius had multiple sons (Encheleus, ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:47
In Homer's epic, the Odyssey, the hero Odysseus visits the kingdom of Aeolus, which is the old name for Thessaly.The Plain of Thessaly, which lies between Mount Oeta/Othrys and Mount Olympus, is the s ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:44
Philip II of Macedon
Philip was the youngest son of the king Amyntas III and Eurydice I. In his youth (c. 368 – 365 BC), Philip was held as a hostage in Thebes, which was the leading city of Greece during the Theban hege ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:43
Philip's final campaigns (339–338 BC)
As a prelude to his planned campaign in Greece, Philip went on campaign in the winter of 339 BC, against the Scythians living south of the Danube, near the river's mouth (in Dobruja). He defeated them ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:41
Reorganisation and retrenchment (345–342 BC)
The next year, Philip returned to the ongoing business of restructuring Macedon. Justin reports that after returning to Macedon, he began transplanting parts of the population to new locations, in par ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:40
Second campaign in Thessaly
Philip returned to Thessaly the next summer (either 353 or 352 BC, depending on the chronology followed), having gathered a new army in Macedon. Philip formally requested that the Thessalians join him ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:38
Thessaly and the Sacred War (356–352 BC)
The Third Sacred War (often just called 'the' Sacred War) broke out in 356 BC, and would present Philip with his first real opportunity to expand his influence into the affairs of central and southern ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:37
Rise of Macedon
Intact and relatively detailed histories of Greece cover the period ca. 500–362 BC, in the form of Herodotus's The Histories, Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, and Xenophon's Hellenica. ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:36
Battle of Mantinea (362 BC)
After the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC had shattered the foundations of Spartan hegemony, Thebes' chief politician and general Epaminondas attempted to build a new hegemony centered on his city. Conseq ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:35
Theban hegemony
The Theban Hegemony lasted from the Theban victory over the Spartans at Leuctra in 371 BC to their defeat of a coalition of Peloponnesian armies at Mantinea in 362 BC, though Thebes sought to maintain ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:33
Fourth invasion of the Peloponnesus (362 BC)
In the face of this increasing opposition to Theban dominance, Epaminondas launched his final expedition into the Peloponnese in 362 BC. The immediate goal of the expedition was to subdue Mantinea, wh ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:32
The life of Epaminondas is very poorly attested in the ancient sources, especially compared to some of his near contemporaries (e.g. Philip II of Macedon, Pelopidas). One principal reason for this is ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:31
Battle of Leuctra
Main article: Boeotian WarIn 371 BC the newly established democracy of Thebes had elected 4 Boeotarchs, the traditional title of the generals of the Boeotian League and so proclaimed their intention o ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:29
Corinthian War
In the Peloponnesian War, which had ended in 404 BC, Sparta had enjoyed the support of nearly every mainland Greek state and the Persian Empire, and in the months and years following that war, a numbe ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:28
Long Walls
The building of the Long Walls reflected a larger strategy that Athens had come to follow in the early 5th century. Unlike most Greek city states, which specialized in fielding hoplite armies, Athens, ...
category:    2014-9-20 22:27

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