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Norte Chico civilization
On the north-central coast of present-day Peru, Norte Chico or Caral (as known in Peru) was a civilization that emerged around 3000 BCE (contemporary with urbanism's rise in Mesopotamia.) It is consid ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:57
Pre-Columbian era
Main articles: Settlement of the Americas and Paleo-IndiansFurther information: Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the AmericasAsian nomads are thought to have entered the Americas via the Berin ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:57
Sedentary lifestyle
A lack of physical activity is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide.Sitting still may cause premature death. The risk is higher among those that sit still more than 5 hours per day ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:55
Lithic technology
Some types of raw materials are:AgateBasaltChalcedonyChertDioriteFlintGreenstoneJadeiteJasperObsidianOnyxQuartzQuartziteSandstoneSchistSilcreteThese raw materials all have common characteristics which ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:54
RNA codon table
nonpolar polar basic acidic (stop codon)Standard genetic code1stbase 2nd base 3rdbaseU C A GU UUU (Phe/F) Phenylalanine UCU (Ser/S) Serine UAU (Tyr/Y) Tyrosine UGU (Cys/C) Cysteine UUUC UCC UAC UGC CU ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:52
Genetic code
Serious efforts to understand how proteins are encoded began after the structure of DNA was discovered in 1953. George Gamow postulated that sets of three bases must be employed to encode the 20 stand ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:51
Blood type
A complete blood type would describe a full set of 30 substances on the surface of RBCs, and an individual's blood type is one of many possible combinations of blood-group antigens. Across the 33 bloo ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:50
Classification schemes for indigenous languages of the Americas
Hypothetical language-family proposals of American languages are often cited as uncontroversial in popular writing. However, many of these proposals have not been fully demonstrated, or even demonstra ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:49
South America
Although both North and Central America are very diverse areas, South America has a linguistic diversity rivalled by only a few other places in the world with approximately 350 languages still spoken ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:48
Indigenous languages of the Americas
Further information: Indigenous peoples of the AmericasThousands of languages were spoken by various peoples in North and South America prior to their first contact with Europeans. These encounters oc ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:47
Indigenous peoples of Siberia
In Kamchatka the Itelmens uprisings against Russian rule in 1706, 1731, and 1741, were crushed. During the first uprising the Itelmen were armed with only stone weapons, but in later uprisings they us ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:45
Indigenous peoples in Venezuela
In recent years, there has been a rise of indigenous movements in the Americas (mainly South America). These are rights-driven groups that organize themselves in order to achieve some sort of self-det ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:43
Demography of contemporary populations
The following table provides estimates for each country in the Americas of the populations of indigenous people and those with partial indigenous ancestry, each expressed as a percentage of the overal ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:42
Agriculture in Mesoamerica and Incan agriculture
Over the course of thousands of years, American indigenous peoples domesticated, bred and cultivated a large array of plant species. These species now constitute 50–60% of all crops in cultivation wo ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:41
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Migration into the continents For more details on theories of the migrations of the Paleo-Indians, see settlement of the Americas.Map of early human migrationsThe specifics of Paleo-Indian migration t ...
category:    2014-9-28 21:39

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