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French and Indian Wars
The French and Indian Wars is a name used in the United States for a series of intermittent conflicts between the years 1689 and 1763 in North America that represented colonial events related to the E ...
category:    2014-10-1 16:10
Thirteen Colonies
Each of the thirteen colonies developed its own system of self-government, based largely on independent farmers who owned their own land, voted for their local and provincial government, and served on ...
category:    2014-10-1 16:06
Father Le Loutre's War
Within Acadia and Nova Scotia, Father Le Loutre's War (1749–1755) began with the British founding of Halifax. During Father Le Loutre's War, New France established three forts along the border of pre ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:37
French and Indian Wars, Father Rale's War and Father Le Loutre's War
The presence of settlers, of businesses from several European countries harvesting furs, along with the interests of the indigenous people in this new competition for North American resources set the ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:35
Beaver Wars
According to the staples thesis, the economic development of New France was marked by the emergence of successive economies based on staple commodities, each of which dictated the political and cultur ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:34
New France
Early exploration (1523–1650s) Around 1523, the Florentine navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano convinced the king, Francis I, to commission an expedition to find a western route to Cathay (China). Late ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:33
Former colonies and territories in Canada
Further information: European colonization of the Americas and Timeline of the colonization of North AmericaNorse settlement See also: Norse colonization of the AmericasWhile the Norse colonies in Gre ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:32
Culture and education
Main articles: History of education in the United States § Colonial Era and Education in Colonial AmericaEducation was primarily the responsibility of families, but numerous religious groups, especia ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:30
British colonial government
Each colony had a paid colonial agent in London to represent its interests.The three forms of colonial government in 1776 were provincial (royal colony), proprietary, and charter. These governments we ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:29
Colonial history of the United States
Colonizers came from European kingdoms with highly developed military, naval, governmental and entrepreneurial capabilities. The Spanish and Portuguese centuries-old experience of conquest and coloniz ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:28
End of the Atlantic slave trade
Main article: AbolitionismWilliam Wilberforce (1759–1833), politician and philanthropist who was a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.In Britain, America, Portugal and in parts of Euro ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:27
Economics of slavery
The plantation economies of the New World were built on slave labour. Seventy percent of the enslaved people brought to the new world were forced to produce sugar, the most labour-intensive crop. The ...
category:    2014-10-1 15:17
African kingdoms of the era
There were over 173 city-states and kingdoms in the African regions affected by the slave trade between 1502 and 1853, when Brazil became the last Atlantic import nation to outlaw the slave trade. Of ...
category:    2014-10-1 14:54
African participation in the slave trade
Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to European buyers. The prisoners and captives who were sold were usually from neighbouring or enemy ethnic ...
category:    2014-10-1 14:50
Atlantic slave trade
The Atlantic slave trade arose after trade contacts were first made between the continents of the "Old World" (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and those of the "New World" (North America and South America). ...
category:    2014-10-1 14:48

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