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Second Battle of Ypres
The Second Battle of Ypres consisted of six engagements:The Battle of Gravenstafel: Thursday 22 April – Friday 23 April 1915The Battle of Saint Julien: Saturday 24 April – 4 MayThe Battle of Frezenb ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:19
Unexploded weapons
Over 16,000,000 acres (65,000 km2) of France had to be cordoned off at the end of the war because of unexploded ordnance. About 20% of the chemical shells were duds, and approximately 13 million of th ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:15
The contribution of gas weapons to the total casualty figures was relatively minor. British figures, which were accurately maintained from 1916, recorded that only 3% of gas casualties were fatal, 2% ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:14
Chemical weapons in World War I
The earliest military uses of chemicals were tear-inducing irritants rather than fatal or disabling poisons. During the first World War, the French army was the first to employ gas, using 26 mm grenad ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:11
First British Empire (1583–1783)
In 1578, Elizabeth I granted a patent to Humphrey Gilbert for discovery and overseas exploration. That year, Gilbert sailed for the West Indies with the intention of engaging in piracy and establishin ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:09
Origins (1497–1583)
The foundations of the British Empire were laid when England and Scotland were separate kingdoms. In 1496 King Henry VII of England, following the successes of Spain and Portugal in overseas explorati ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:07
Military history of Canada during World War I
Prior to the war, Canada had a small permanent standing army and a much larger Canadian militia. The Minister of Militia and Defence, Sam Hughes, was ordered by Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden to tra ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:04
Naval warfare of World War I
At the start of the war, the German Empire had cruisers scattered across the globe, some of which were subsequently used to attack Allied merchant shipping. The British Royal Navy systematically hunte ...
category:    2014-10-3 12:02
Rationing § United States
In 1942 a rationing system was begun to guarantee minimum amounts of necessities to everyone (especially poor people) and prevent inflation. Tires were the first item to be rationed in January 1942 be ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:55
Recession of 1937 and recovery
The economy eventually recovered from the low point of the winter of 1932–33, with sustained improvement until 1937, when the Recession of 1937 brought back 1934 levels of unemployment. There is a br ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:54
The New Deal
In the United States, upon accepting Democratic nomination for president in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised "a new deal for the American people," a phrase that has endured as a label for his admi ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:52
Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover
In retrospect, the 1920s are sometimes seen as the last gasp of unregulated "robber-baron" capitalism. The federal government took on an increasing role in business affairs. In addition to Prohibition ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:51
History of the United States (1918–45)
The United States was in turmoil throughout 1919. The huge number of returning veterans could not find work, something the Wilson administration had given little thought to. After the war, fear of sub ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:50
The legacy of the Mexican Revolution is mixed between scholars. Marxists claim it was a worker’s revolution betrayed by the government bureaucratic class that never wanted reforms to begin with. They ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:47
Venustiano Carranza
Venustiano Carranza became president in 1914, after the overthrow of the Huerta government. He was driven out of Mexico City by Villa and Zapata in December 1914, but later gained the support of the m ...
category:    2014-10-3 11:44

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