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The basin covers five states and territory governments, who according to the Constitution, are responsible for managing water resources. The River Murray Commission was established in 1917. Under the ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:32
Murray–Darling basin
The Murray-Darling basin is home to many native animal species. The true numbers may not be known, but a fairly confident estimate has been made of these animals and the current status of their popula ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:31
Charles Sturt
Charles Sturt was born in Bengal, British India, the eldest son (of thirteen children) of Thomas Lenox Napier Sturt, a judge under the British East India Company. At the age of five, Charles was sent ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:29
Douglas Nicholls
Douglas Nicholls was born in 1906 on the Cummeragunja Reserve in New South Wales. Schooling at the mission was provided to Grade 3 standard and strict religious principles were emphasised. When he was ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:27
Donald Thomson
Thomson studied zoology and botany at the University of Melbourne. He also joined the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU) in 1917 and served it as Press Officer (1923) and as Assistant Edit ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:26
Expansion of composition
In 1906, at the request of the Justices, two more seats were added to the bench, with Isaacs and Higgins the appointees. After O'Connor's death in 1912, an amendment to the Judiciary Act 1903 expanded ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:25
Knox, Isaacs and Gavan Duffy courts
Adrian Knox became Chief Justice on 18 October 1919 and less than three months later, foundation Justice Sir Edmund Barton died, leaving no original members. The most significant case of the era was t ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:24
High Court of Australia
The High Court exercises both original jurisdiction (cases that originate in the High Court) and appellate jurisdiction (appeals made to the High Court from other courts). The High Court is the court ...
category:    2014-10-5 17:23
Caledon Bay crisis
The Caledon Bay crisis refers to a series of killings at Caledon Bay in the Northern Territory of Australia during 1932–34. These events are widely seen as a turning point in relations between indige ...
category:    2014-10-5 16:05
Geological history
The Peninsula is formed from the northern part of the Great Dividing Range, folded during the Carboniferous period some 300 million years ago, when Australia collided with what is now parts of South A ...
category:    2014-10-5 16:01
Cape York Peninsula
Edmund Kennedy was the first European explorer to attempt an overland expedition of Cape York Peninsula. He had been second-in-command to Thomas Livingstone Mitchell in 1846 when the Barcoo River was ...
category:    2014-10-5 16:00
Lutheranism Education
Catechism is considered foundational in most Lutheran churches. Almost all maintain Sunday Schools, and some host or maintain Lutheran schools, at the preschool, elementary, middle, high school, folk ...
category:    2014-10-5 15:56
Comparison among Protestants
Protestant beliefs about salvation.This table summarizes the classical views of three Protestant beliefs about salvation.Topic Calvinism Lutheranism ArminianismHuman will For Calvin, humanity possesse ...
category:    2014-10-5 15:55
Divine providence
According to Lutherans, God preserves his creation, cooperates with everything that happens, and guides the universe. While God cooperates with both good and evil deeds, with evil deeds he does so onl ...
category:    2014-10-5 15:53
Traditionally, Lutherans hold the Bible of the Old and New Testaments to be the only divinely inspired book, the only source of divinely revealed knowledge, and the only norm for Christian teaching. S ...
category:    2014-10-5 15:52

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