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From the 1890s until his death in 1939, the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis, which comprised a method of investigating the mind and interpreting experience; a systematized se ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:58
Musical form
The founding level of musical form can be divided into two parts:The arrangement of the pulse into accented and unaccented beats, the cells of a measure that, when harmonized, may give rise to a motif ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:55
In the 6th century BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras wanted to know why some combinations of musical sounds seemed more beautiful than others, and he found answers in terms of numerical rat ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:54
Ewe drumming
Ewe drumming is very diverse and is played in many slightly different ways. For example, an Ewe musician from Togo may play a piece or instrument slightly differently from the way a Ewe from Ghana doe ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:53
Free jazz
Defining the essence of free jazz is complicated; many musicians draw on free jazz concepts and idioms, and free jazz was never entirely distinct from other genres. Many individual musicians reject ef ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:52
Witold Lutos?awski
Lutos?awski's parents were both born into the Polish landed nobility. His family owned estates in the area of Drozdowo. His father Józef was involved in the Polish National Democratic Party ("Endecj ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:48
Morton Feldman
Feldman was born in Brooklyn, New York City into a family of Russian-Jewish immigrants from Kiev. His father was a manufacturer of children's coats. As a child he studied piano with Vera Maurina Press ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:46
Aleatoric music
Compositions that could be considered a precedent for aleatory composition date back to at least the late 15th century, with the genre of the catholicon, exemplified by the Missa cuiusvis toni of Joha ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:45
In music, precompositional decisions are those decisions which a composer decides upon before or while beginning to create a composition. These limits may be given to the composer, such as the length ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:43
Free improvisation
Improvisation in an atonal context where the focus shifts from harmony to other dimensions of music: timbre, melodic intervals, rhythm and the spontaneous interaction between musicians. Although perfo ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:42
The gradual and still ongoing historical evolution in the construction of instruments and in the training of musicians, as part of the evolution of aesthetic sense, has produced a corresponding evolut ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:38
Musical composition
A piece of music exists in the form of a composition in musical notation or as a single acoustic event (a live performance or recorded track). If composed before being performed, music can be performe ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:37
The typical symphony orchestra consists of four groups of similar musical instruments called the woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. Other instruments such as the piano and celesta may sometime ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:34
Concert band
In the 18th century, military ensembles were doing double duty as entertainment at the royal courts, either alone or combined with orchestral strings. Composers such as Mozart were writing chamber mus ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:33
Music lesson
For vocal lessons, teachers show students how to sit or stand and breathe, and how to position the head and mouth for good vocal tone. For instrument lessons, teachers show students how to sit or stan ...
category:    2014-12-7 08:31

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