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In mathematics, the root system for the simple Lie group G2 is in the form of a hexagram.Root system G2.svgConstruction by compass and a straight edgeA six-pointed star, like a hexagon, can be created ...
category:    2015-2-15 13:08
In ancient Egypt, the scarab (or dung beetle) was viewed as a sign of eternal renewal and reemergence of life, a reminder of the life to come. (See also "Atum" and "Ma'at.")The ancient Mayans and Azte ...
category:    2015-2-15 13:07
In heraldry, a motto is often depicted below the shield, except in the case of Scots heraldry where it is mandated to appear above the crest. Spanish coats of arms may display a motto in the bordure o ...
category:    2015-2-15 13:05
Theosophical mysticism
The three fundamental propositions expounded in The Secret Doctrine are –that there is an omnipresent, eternal, boundless, and immutable reality of which spirit and matter are complementary aspects;t ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:59
Antoine Faivre
Antoine Faivre (born in Reims June 5, 1934) is a prominent French scholar of Western esotericism. Until his retirement, he held a chair in the ?cole Pratique des Hautes ?tudes at the Sorbonne, Unive ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:56
Ammonius Saccas
Not much is known about the life of Ammonius Saccas.His cognomen "Sakkas" has been misinterpreted deliberately by Bishop Theodeoretos in order to ridicule the highly esteemed Neoplatonic teacher, as m ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:55
The word astrology comes from the early Latin word astrologia, deriving from the Greek ?στρολογ?α (from ?στρον astron, "star" and -λογ?α -logia, "study of"), "account of the stars ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:53
Indian alchemy
According to the Encyclop?dia Britannica, the Vedas describe a connection between eternal life and gold. The use of Mercury for alchemy is first documented in the 3rd - 4th century CE Artha-?āstra. ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:52
The ostensible goals of alchemy are often given as the transmutation of common metals into gold (known as chrysopoeia), the creation of a panacea, and the discovery of a universal solvent. However, th ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:51
The Fama Fraternitatis presented the legend of a German doctor and mystic philosopher referred to as "Frater C.R.C." (later identified in a third manifesto as Christian Rosenkreuz, or "Rose-cross"). T ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:49
Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher)
Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov, the son of the historian Sergey Mikhaylovich Solovyov (1820–1879), was born in Moscow on 28 January 1853. His mother, Polyxena Vladimirovna, belonged to a Polish origin ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:46
Gérard Encausse
Gerard Encausse was born at Corunna (La Coru?a) in Spain on July 13, 1865, of a Spanish mother and a French father, Louis Encausse, a chemist. His family moved to Paris when he was four years old, an ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:44
Martinism can be divided into three forms through which it has been chronologically transmitted:The Elus-Cohens. (Cohen is the Hebrew for 'priest' and Elus' means 'the elect' or 'the chosen').This was ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:42
t fortunes and no quick wealth. When the means of growing rich is divided between a greater number of citizens, wealth will also be more evenly distributed; extreme poverty and extreme wealth would be ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:40
Denis Diderot
Denis Diderot was born in Langres, Champagne, and began his formal education at a Jesuit collège in Langres.n° 9 de la place dans le centre ville de Langres in the background on the right side the b ...
category:    2015-2-15 10:39

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