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The History of Sexuality and Iranian Revolution: 1976–1979
In 1976 Gallimard published Foucault's Histoire de la sexualité: la volonté de savoir (The History of Sexuality: The Will to Knowledge), a short book exploring what Foucault called the "repressive h ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:46
Michel Foucault
Paul-Michel Foucault was born on 15 October 1926 in the city of Poitiers, west-central France, as the second of three children to a prosperous and socially conservative upper-middle-class family. He h ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:45
Post-war forays into France
After the war, Heidegger was banned from university teaching for a period on account of his activities as Rector of Freiburg University. He developed a number of contacts in France, where his work con ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:43
Martin Heidegger
He was born in rural Me?kirch, Germany. Raised a Roman Catholic, he was the son of the sexton of the village church that adhered to the First Vatican Council of 1870, which was observed mainly by the ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:41
Walter Benjamin
Benjamin and his younger siblings, Georg (1895–1942) and Dora (1901–1946), were born to a wealthy business family of assimilated Ashkenazi Jews in the Berlin of the German Empire (1871–1918). The p ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:37
Hannah Arendt
Arendt was born into a secular family of German Jews in Linden (present-day Hanover), the daughter of Martha (née Cohn) and Paul Arendt. She grew up in K?nigsberg (renamed Kaliningrad and annexed to ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:36
Medical sociology
Medical sociology can trace its intellectual lineage to the late 1800s. In the nineteenth century, two nascent disciplines — sociology and allopathic medicine — began to cross paths. For allopathic ...
category:    2015-1-10 17:35
Friedrich Kittler
Friedrich Adolf Kittler was born in 1943 in Rochlitz in Saxony. His family fled with him to West Germany in 1958, where from 1958 to 1963 he went to a natural sciences and modern languages Gymnasium i ...
category:    2015-1-10 16:46
Marshall McLuhan
Herbert Marshall McLuhan was born in Edmonton, Alberta, to Elsie Naomi (née Hall) and Herbert Ernest McLuhan. His brother, Maurice, was born two years later. "Marshall" was a family name: his materna ...
category:    2015-1-10 15:41
Intellectual history
Intellectual history as a self-conscious discipline is a relatively recent phenomenon. It has precedents, however, in the history of philosophy, the history of ideas, and in cultural history as practi ...
category:    2015-1-10 15:36
Mark Poster
Poster was born in New York on 5 July 1941, studied at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School and completed a PhD in history at New York University in 1968. His research interests included Euro ...
category:    2015-1-10 15:34
Literature and Science
Literature and Science is a 1963 book by Aldous Huxley.In these reflections on the relations between art and science, Aldous Huxley attempts to discern the similarities and differences implicit in sci ...
category:    2015-1-10 15:33
N. Katherine Hayles
Hayles was born in Saint Louis, Missouri to Edward and Thelma Bruns. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1966, and her M.S. in Chemistry from the Californi ...
category:    2015-1-10 13:48
Science studies
The field started with a certain tendency of Omphaloskepsis and was extremely self-conscious in its genesis and applications. Beyound a mere study of scientific discourse, it soon started to deal with ...
category:    2015-1-10 13:46
Bruno Latour
Latour is related to a well-known family of winemakers from Burgundy, but is not associated with the similarly named estate in Bordeaux.As a student, Latour originally focused on philosophy and was de ...
category:    2015-1-10 13:45

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