Cluster A (odd or eccentric)301.0 Paranoid personality disorder301.20 Schizoid personality disorder301.22 Schizotypal personality disorderCluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic)301.7 Antisocial pe ...
Adjustment disorders 309.9 Unspecified309.24 With anxiety309.0 With depressed mood309.3 With disturbance of conduct309.28 With mixed anxiety and depressed mood309.4 With mixed disturbance of emotions ...
Sexual dysfunctions625.8 Female hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to... 608.89 Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to... 302.71 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder302.79 Sexual aversion disor ...
Factitious disorder 300.19 With combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms300.19 With predominantly physical signs and symptoms300.16 With predominantly psychological signs and symptoms300 ...
300.81 Somatization disorder300.82 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder300.11 Conversion disorderPain disorder 307.89 Associated with both psychological factors and a general medical condition307.80 A ...
300.02 Generalized anxiety disorderPanic disorder 300.21 With agoraphobia300.01 Without agoraphobia300.22 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder300.29 Specific phobia300.23 Social phobia300.3 O ...
Bipolar disorders 296.80 Bipolar disorder NOSBipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed 296.56 In full remission296.55 In partial remission296.51 Mild296.52 Moderate296.53 Severe without psycho ...
300.4 Dysthymic disorderMajor depressive disorder Major depressive disorder, recurrent 296.36 In full remission296.35 In partial remission296.31 Mild296.32 Moderate296.33 Severe without psychotic feat ...