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2014-3-30 17:29| view publisher: amanda| views: 1| wiki( 0 : 0

description: Values are generally received through cultural means, especially transmission from parents to children. Parents in different cultures have different values. For example, parents in a hunter–gatherer ...
Values are generally received through cultural means, especially transmission from parents to children. Parents in different cultures have different values.[6] For example, parents in a hunter–gatherer society or surviving through subsistence agriculture value practical survival skills from a young age. Many such cultures begin teaching babies to use sharp tools, including knives, before their first birthdays.[7] Italian parents value social and emotional abilities and having an even temperament.[6] Spanish parents want their children to be sociable.[6] Swedish parents value security and happiness.[6] Dutch parents value independence, long attention spans, and predictable schedules.[6] American parents are unusual for strongly valuing intellectual ability, especially in a narrow "book learning" sense.[6] The Kipsigis people of Kenya value children who are not only smart, but who employ that intelligence in a responsible and helpful way, which they call ng'om.[6]

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