The Historical AlbanLittle can actually be known about the real St. Alban (estimated to have died c. 209 - 305 A.D. depending on interpretations), as there are no contemporaneous accounts of his marty ...
Albaania kiil (gjuha shqipe, shqip) kuulus indo?uruupa kiilkunda hulka ja om s??l umaette keelerühm. L?h?bmat sugulust t?isi indo?uruupa keelerühmiga ol?-?i l?vvet.Albaanian (3,3 mill'onat ...
J?zyk albański (alb. Gjuha shqipe) – j?zyk indoeuropejski z grupy satem, którym pos?uguje si? ok. 6,2 mln Albańczyków zamieszkuj?cych Albani? (3,6 mln), Kosowo (1,7 mln), Macedoni? (450 ty ...
Albanski jezik je prvi put pomenut u istorijskim dokumentima 14 Jula 1285 u Dubrovniku. Tada je izvesni Mateja sin Markov, svedok plja?ke jedne ku?e, izjavio da je ?uo lopova da sa planine doziva n ...
Under medeltiden kallades omr?det Arberia eller Arbania, men det var ?ven l?nge k?nt som Epirus, eftersom det motsvarade ungef?r samma omr?de som den antika grekiska staten vid detta namn. Ordet ...
Shqip(?)tar (plural: Shqip(?)tar?t, feminine: Shqip(?)tare), Gheg Albanian: Shqyptar, is an Albanian language ethnonym (autonym), by which Albanians call themselves. They call their country Shqip ...
Language endangerment occurs when a language is at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to speaking another language. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native s ...
The world's languages can be grouped into language families consisting of languages that can be shown to have common ancestry. Linguists currently recognize many hundreds of language families, althoug ...
There is no clear distinction between a language and a dialect, notwithstanding a famous aphorism attributed to linguist Max Weinreich that "a language is a dialect with an army and navy". For example ...
A "living language" is simply one which is in wide use as a primary form of communication by a specific group of living people. The exact number of known living languages varies from 6,000 to 7,000, d ...
One important source of language change is contact between different languages and resulting diffusion of linguistic traits between languages. Language contact occurs when speakers of two or more lang ...