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门户 Music European and American male singers

European and American male singers

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Ralf Illenberger--Play music online
Ralf IllenbergerRalf Illenberger by Nancy Bartell.jpgLive at the "Sedona Martini Bar" ? 2009Background informationBorn December 20, 1956 (age 58)Stuttgart, GermanyGenres Classical, Fingerstyle, Fol ...
category:    2015-4-25 16:23
Ralf Gum--Play music online
The DJ - Ralf GUM is one of the most respected figures in the house music scene for the distinctive qualities in his exceptional productions and DJ-sets. Since Ralf’s DJ career started in 1990 he alw ...
category:    2015-4-25 16:17
Ralf Gothoni--Play music online
Ralf Georg Nils Gothóni (born May 2, 1946, Rauma) is a Finnish pianist and conductor. He is also active as a chamber musician, professor, composer, and author. Born in Rauma, Finland he made his orch ...
category:    2015-4-25 12:13
Paolo Conte--Play music online
Paolo Conte (Asti, 6 januari 1937) is een Italiaanse zanger, componist en tekstschrijver van liedjes voor andere zangers en later voor zichzelf. Zijn korrelige, holle stem verleent een speciale charme ...
category:    2015-4-25 12:05
Paolo Conte--Play music online
Paolo Conte (* 6. Januar 1937 in Asti) ist ein italienischer Liedermacher, Chansons?nger, Jazzmusiker und Komponist. Der Rechtsanwalt hatte au?erdem bereits Ausstellungen mit seiner Druckgrafik und ...
category:    2015-4-25 11:59
Paolo Conte--Play music online
Paolo Conte (born January 6, 1937) is an Italian singer, pianist, composer, and lawyer notable for his grainy, resonant voice, his colourful and dreamy compositions (evocative of Italian and Mediterra ...
category:    2015-4-25 11:54
Paolo Caroli--Play music online
Lasso (Andrés Vicente Lazo Uslar) is a Venezuelan singer / composer.Early DaysLasso was born in Caracas, Venezuela, South America, on February 18, 1988. Andrés Lasso studied at Colegio Jefferson and ...
category:    2015-4-25 11:41
Panos Kalidis--Play music online
Panos Kalidis is a Greek singer. Biography: He was born in Nea Sevastia, Drama. He loved music and singing traditional and Pontian songs, since he was a little child. He was playing musical instrument ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:47
Olivier Charlier--Play music online
Olivier Charlier, né le 17 février 1961 à Albert (Somme), est un violoniste fran?ais.BiographieAdmis à l’?ge de 10 ans au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris Olivi ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:40
Olivier Baumont--Play music online
Olivier Baumont1, né le 15 ao?t 1960 à Annecy, est un claveciniste fran?ais2.BiographieOlivier Baumont étudie au Conservatoire national supérieur de Paris (CNSMDP) où il obtient les premiers pr ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:29
Oliver Thomas--Play music online
Oliver Thomas (eigentlich: Oliver Dyba, * 1. Januar 1977 in Alpirsbach) ist ein deutscher Schlagers?nger.LebenOliver Thomas wuchs zusammen mit seinem Bruder Karsten in Alpirsbach auf. W?hrend seiner ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:19
Oliver Shanti--Play music online
Oliver Shanti (born Ulrich Schulz 16 November 1948 in Hamburg, Germany), also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Inkarnation" and "Oliver Shant ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:11
Oliver Schumacher--Play music online
disJam is an acid-jazz and jazz-funk band from Hamburg, Germany.The band's members have included Christoph K?hler (drums, guitar and vocals), Sascha Panknin (bass guitar, guitar and keyboards), Volke ...
category:    2015-4-25 10:07
Nathaniel Mechaly--Play music online
Nathaniel Méchaly est un compositeur et musicien fran?ais né en 1972.Il a composé la musique de nombreux films, ainsi que celles d'habillages pour la télévision ou d'évènements pour de grands ...
category:    2015-4-25 09:57
Nathan Lane--Play music online
Nathan Lane (born Joseph Lane; February 3, 1956) is an American actor and writer. He is known for his roles as Albert in The Birdcage, Max Bialystock in the musical The Producers, Ernie Smuntz in Mous ...
category:    2015-4-25 09:46

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