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Pont-Saint-Martin (bridge)

2014-6-29 11:01| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The Pont-Saint-Martin is a Roman segmental arch bridge in the Aosta Valley in Italy dating to the 1st century BC.The span is 31.4 metres (103 ft) according to recent research, but frequently stated to ...
The Pont-Saint-Martin is a Roman segmental arch bridge in the Aosta Valley in Italy dating to the 1st century BC.
The span is 31.4 metres (103 ft)[1] according to recent research, but frequently stated to be 35.64 m or 36.65 m.[2]
Other extant Roman bridges in the Aosta valley include the Pont d'Aël in the Cogne Valley and the Pont de Pierre in Aosta.

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