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Foresight Institute

2014-6-8 16:48| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The Institute was founded in 1986 by Christine Peterson, who serves on the Board of Directors, and K. Eric Drexler, who is no longer with the Institute.Two sister organizations were formed: the Instit ...
The Institute was founded in 1986 by Christine Peterson, who serves on the Board of Directors, and K. Eric Drexler, who is no longer with the Institute.
Two sister organizations were formed: the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing and the Center for Constitutional Issues in Technology.
Foresight Institute was founded "to guide emerging technologies to improve the human condition" but focused "its efforts upon nanotechnology, the coming ability to build materials and products with atomic precision, and upon systems that will enhance knowledge exchange and critical discussion".[2] In May 2005, the Foresight Institute changed its name to "Foresight Nanotech Institute" and narrowed its mission to "ensure beneficial implementation of nanotechnology. Foresight is accomplishing this by providing balanced, accurate and timely information to help society understand and utilize nanotechnology through public policy activities, publications, guidelines, networking events, tutorials, conferences, roadmaps and prizes."[3]
In June 2009, the institute reverted to its original name, and broadened its mission to "studying transformative technologies".[4]

The Foresight Institute is a Palo Alto, California-based nonprofit organization for promoting transformative technologies. They sponsor conferences on molecular nanotechnology, publish reports, and produce a newsletter.
The Foresight Institute has several running prizes, including the annual Feynman Prizes given in experimental and theory categories, and the $250,000 Feynman Grand Prize for demonstrating two molecular machines capable of nanoscale positional accuracy and computation.[1]

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