The Summit Lighthouse is part of an organizational structure that includes: Summit University Press is a publisher of books, audio and video on spirituality and personal growth. Summit University Press was founded in 1958. Church Universal and Triumphant was founded in 1975 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet when the board of directors for The Summit Lighthouse incorporated the church to meet the religious needs of an expanding body of spiritual seekers. Branches of Church Universal and Triumphant appear in cities across the globe. The headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse are based in Gardiner, Montana, USA.[3][4] Summit University is the educational branch of The Summit Lighthouse. Founded by Mark Prophet in 1975, it offers online courses for personal growth, spiritual retreats, and seminars in locations throughout the world. Its mission is to organize the teachings of the ascended masters into a practical course of study for seekers on the spiritual path.[5] Keepers of the Flame Fraternity is a non-profit fraternity. It was founded in 1958 in Washington, D.C. by Mark L. Prophet. Since The Summit Lighthouse was founded in 1958 by Mark L. Prophet under the sponsorship of the ascended masters, it has been their goal to bring liberation to all souls everywhere who seek spiritual freedom; to all those who sense their own innate divinity and wish to express and develop it. To further this goal, Church Universal and Triumphant was established in 1975 and has since become a worldwide resource for the teachings of the ascended masters. The ascended master teachings we espouse are universal, bridging the wisdom of the great spiritual traditions of both East and West. They have always honored and respected free will and the right to choose whatever beliefs resonate in each heart and soul. They have remained steadfast in their determination to spread the message of spiritual universality to all who desire it worldwide…and intends to continue until this mission is fulfilled. Their message is always one of awakening to the light within; a positive message for world transformation and renewal. Summit University Press The goal of Summit University Press is to make the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, as delivered through the messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, available to all seekers. They have published many books over the years. Among them are: The Shakespeare Code (July 2006) Maitreya on Initiation (July 2006) The Age of the Divine Mother (July 2006) The Path to Immortality (January 2006) Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine (September 2005) Paths of Light and Darkness (January 2005) Everything is Energy (July 2005) The Masters and Their Retreats The Chela and the Path Climb the Highest Mountain The Science of the Spoken Word The Human Aura Walking with the Master Community The Creative Power of Sound: Affirmations to Create, Heal and Transform How to Work with Angels Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships Creative Abundance: Keys to Spiritual and Material Prosperity Access the Power of Your Higher Self Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul Wanting to be Born: The Cry of the Soul Wanting to Live: Overcoming the Seduction of Suicide Alchemy of the Heart The Summit Lighthouse is an international spiritual organization founded on August 7, 1958, in Washington, D.C., by Mark L. Prophet. Today it is the outreach arm of Church Universal and Triumphant, founded in 1975 by Prophet's wife Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The stated mission of The Summit Lighthouse is to "publish and apply the teachings of the ascended masters as taught by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet."[1] Ascended masters are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and attained their "Ascension". The "Ascension" is considered to be the complete permanent union of the purified inner self with the "I AM" Presence - that True Identity that is the unique Individualization of God of each person.[2] |
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