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List of University of Edinburgh people

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description: At graduation ceremonies, the Vice-Chancellor caps graduates with the Geneva Bonnet, a hat which legend says was originally made from cloth taken from the breeches of John Knox or George Buchanan. The ...
At graduation ceremonies, the Vice-Chancellor caps graduates with the Geneva Bonnet, a hat which legend says was originally made from cloth taken from the breeches of John Knox or George Buchanan. The hat was last restored in 2000, when a note from 1849 was discovered in the fabric.[97][98] In 2006, a University emblem taken into space by Piers Sellers was incorporated into the Geneva Bonnet.[99]
Heads of state and government

Former British Prime Minister, Leader of the Labour Party and consecutive 10-year-long Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown is an alumnus and former rector of the University of Edinburgh.
State/Government    Leader    Office
 Canada    Charles Tupper    Prime Minister of Canada (1 May 1896 – 8 July 1896)
 Malawi    Hastings Banda    President of Malawi (1966–1994)
 Syria    Najah al-Attar    Vice President of Syria (2006–present)
 Nicaragua    William Walker    President of Nicaragua (1856–1857)
 South Korea    Yun Bo-seon    President of South Korea (1960–1962)
 South Korea    Jang Taek-sang    Prime Minister of South Korea (6 May 1952 – 6 October 1952)
 Tanzania    Julius Nyerere    President of Tanzania (1964–1985)
 UK    Gordon Brown    Prime Minister (2007–2010)
 UK    John Russell, 1st Earl Russell    Prime Minister (1846–52 and 1865 – 66)
 UK    Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston    Prime Minister (1855–58 and 1859 – 65)
Historical links
Harvard University, an American Ivy League university, had its medical school founded by three surgeons, one of whom was Benjamin Waterhouse, an alumnus of Edinburgh Medical School.[100]
Dalhousie University, Canadian U15 university, founded in 1818. In the early 19th century, George Ramsay, the ninth Earl of Dalhousie and Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor at the time, wanted to establish a Halifax college open to all, regardless of class or creed. The earl modeled the fledgling college after the University of Edinburgh, near his Scottish home.[101][102]
McGill University, Canadian U15 university, founded in 1821, has strong Edinburgh roots and links to the University of Edinburgh as McGill's first (and, for several years, its only) faculty, Medicine, was founded by four physicians/surgeons, including Andrew Fernando Holmes, who had trained in Edinburgh.[103][104]
Queen's University, Canadian U15 university founded in 1841, was modelled after the University of Edinburgh, and continues to display strong Scottish roots and traditions[citation needed] today[when?].
University of Pennsylvania, an American Ivy League university, has long-standing historical links with the University of Edinburgh, Penn's School of Medicine was founded by John Morgan, an Edinburgh medical graduate and was modeled after Edinburgh Medical School.[105][106][107]
Princeton University, an American Ivy League university, had its academic syllabus and structure reformed along the lines of the University of Edinburgh and other Scottish universities by its sixth president John Witherspoon, an Edinburgh theology graduate.[108]
The College of William & Mary, the second-oldest university in the USA, was founded by Edinburgh graduate James Blair, who served as the College's founding president for fifty years.[109]
Columbia University, an American Ivy League university, has a medical exchange between Columbia P&S and Edinburgh Medical School.[110] In addition, its medical school was founded by Samuel Bard, an Edinburgh medical graduate.
Dartmouth College, an American Ivy League university, now has a student exchange program with the University of Edinburgh School of Divinity.[111]
University of Sydney, an Australian university, was founded by a Charles Nicholson, a physician and graduate of the University of Edinburgh Medical School

The university is associated, through alumni and faculty, with some of the most significant intellectual and scientific contributions in human history, including laying the foundations of modern economics, modern sociology, modern geology, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, antiseptic surgery, nephrology and the theory of evolution; the discovery of carbon dioxide, latent heat, specific heat, chloroform anaesthesia, SARS, the HPV vaccine, the Hepatitis B vaccine and the Higgs mechanism; and the inventing of the telephone, the hypodermic syringe, the kaleidoscope, the telpherage, the vacuum flask, the ATM, the diving chamber, and in-vitro fertilisation.
Other alumni and faculty of the university have included signatories to the US Declaration of Independence James Wilson, John Witherspoon and Benjamin Rush, Prime Ministers Gordon Brown, Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell (the latter matriculated at Edinburgh, but did not graduate), astronaut Piers Sellers, engineers Alexander Graham Bell and William Rankine, naturalist Charles Darwin and biologist Ian Wilmut, physicists James Clerk Maxwell, Max Born, Sir David Brewster, Tom Kibble, Peter Guthrie Tait and Peter Higgs, writers Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, J.M. Barrie, Sir Walter Scott and Alistair Moffat, actor Ian Charleson, composers Kenneth Leighton, James MacMillan, and William Wordsworth, chemists Joseph Black, Daniel Rutherford, Alexander R. Todd and William Henry, botanist Robert Brown, medical pioneers Joseph Lister and James Simpson, mathematician Colin Maclaurin, philosopher David Hume, geologist James Hutton, former BP CEO Tony Hayward, former director general of MI5 Stella Rimington, chemist and two-time recipient of Alexander von Humboldt research prize Narayan Hosmane, cardiologist Valentin Fuster and mathematician and president of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Sir Michael Atiyah.

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