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Symmetric multiprocessing

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description: A symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) is a computer system with multiple identical processors that share memory and connect via a bus. Bus contention prevents bus architectures from scaling. As a result, S ...
A symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) is a computer system with multiple identical processors that share memory and connect via a bus.[24] Bus contention prevents bus architectures from scaling. As a result, SMPs generally do not comprise more than 32 processors.[25] "Because of the small size of the processors and the significant reduction in the requirements for bus bandwidth achieved by large caches, such symmetric multiprocessors are extremely cost-effective, provided that a sufficient amount of memory bandwidth exists."[24]
Distributed computing
Main article: Distributed computing
A distributed computer (also known as a distributed memory multiprocessor) is a distributed memory computer system in which the processing elements are connected by a network. Distributed computers are highly scalable.
Cluster computing
Main article: Computer cluster

A Beowulf cluster
A cluster is a group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely, so that in some respects they can be regarded as a single computer.[26] Clusters are composed of multiple standalone machines connected by a network. While machines in a cluster do not have to be symmetric, load balancing is more difficult if they are not. The most common type of cluster is the Beowulf cluster, which is a cluster implemented on multiple identical commercial off-the-shelf computers connected with a TCP/IP Ethernet local area network.[27] Beowulf technology was originally developed by Thomas Sterling and Donald Becker. The vast majority of the TOP500 supercomputers are clusters.[28]
Massive parallel processing
Main article: Massively parallel (computing)
A massively parallel processor (MPP) is a single computer with many networked processors. MPPs have many of the same characteristics as clusters, but MPPs have specialized interconnect networks (whereas clusters use commodity hardware for networking). MPPs also tend to be larger than clusters, typically having "far more" than 100 processors.[29] In a MPP, "each CPU contains its own memory and copy of the operating system and application. Each subsystem communicates with the others via a high-speed interconnect."[30]

A cabinet from Blue Gene/L, ranked as the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world according to the 11/2008 TOP500 rankings. Blue Gene/L is a massively parallel processor.
Blue Gene/L, the fifth fastest supercomputer in the world according to the June 2009 TOP500 ranking, is a MPP.
Grid computing
Main article: Distributed computing
Distributed computing is the most distributed form of parallel computing. It makes use of computers communicating over the Internet to work on a given problem. Because of the low bandwidth and extremely high latency available on the Internet, distributed computing typically deals only with embarrassingly parallel problems. Many distributed computing applications have been created, of which SETI@home and Folding@home are the best-known examples.[31]
Most grid computing applications use middleware, software that sits between the operating system and the application to manage network resources and standardize the software interface. The most common distributed computing middleware is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). Often, distributed computing software makes use of "spare cycles", performing computations at times when a computer is idling.
Specialized parallel computers
Within parallel computing, there are specialized parallel devices that remain niche areas of interest. While not domain-specific, they tend to be applicable to only a few classes of parallel problems.
Reconfigurable computing with field-programmable gate arrays
Reconfigurable computing is the use of a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) as a co-processor to a general-purpose computer. An FPGA is, in essence, a computer chip that can rewire itself for a given task.
FPGAs can be programmed with hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog. However, programming in these languages can be tedious. Several vendors have created C to HDL languages that attempt to emulate the syntax and semantics of the C programming language, with which most programmers are familiar. The best known C to HDL languages are Mitrion-C, Impulse C, DIME-C, and Handel-C. Specific subsets of SystemC based on C++ can also be used for this purpose.
AMD's decision to open its HyperTransport technology to third-party vendors has become the enabling technology for high-performance reconfigurable computing.[32] According to Michael R. D'Amour, Chief Operating Officer of DRC Computer Corporation, "when we first walked into AMD, they called us 'the socket stealers.' Now they call us their partners."[32]
General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU)
Main article: GPGPU

Nvidia's Tesla GPGPU card
General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is a fairly recent trend in computer engineering research. GPUs are co-processors that have been heavily optimized for computer graphics processing.[33] Computer graphics processing is a field dominated by data parallel operations—particularly linear algebra matrix operations.
In the early days, GPGPU programs used the normal graphics APIs for executing programs. However, several new programming languages and platforms have been built to do general purpose computation on GPUs with both Nvidia and AMD releasing programming environments with CUDA and Stream SDK respectively. Other GPU programming languages include BrookGPU, PeakStream, and RapidMind. Nvidia has also released specific products for computation in their Tesla series. The technology consortium Khronos Group has released the OpenCL specification, which is a framework for writing programs that execute across platforms consisting of CPUs and GPUs. AMD, Apple, Intel, Nvidia and others are supporting OpenCL.
Application-specific integrated circuits
Main article: Application-specific integrated circuit
Several application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) approaches have been devised for dealing with parallel applications.[34][35][36]
Because an ASIC is (by definition) specific to a given application, it can be fully optimized for that application. As a result, for a given application, an ASIC tends to outperform a general-purpose computer. However, ASICs are created by X-ray lithography. This process requires a mask, which can be extremely expensive. A single mask can cost over a million US dollars.[37] (The smaller the transistors required for the chip, the more expensive the mask will be.) Meanwhile, performance increases in general-purpose computing over time (as described by Moore's Law) tend to wipe out these gains in only one or two chip generations.[32] High initial cost, and the tendency to be overtaken by Moore's-law-driven general-purpose computing, has rendered ASICs unfeasible for most parallel computing applications. However, some have been built. One example is the peta-flop RIKEN MDGRAPE-3 machine which uses custom ASICs for molecular dynamics simulation.
Vector processors
Main article: Vector processor

The Cray-1 is the most famous vector processor.
A vector processor is a CPU or computer system that can execute the same instruction on large sets of data. "Vector processors have high-level operations that work on linear arrays of numbers or vectors. An example vector operation is A = B × C, where A, B, and C are each 64-element vectors of 64-bit floating-point numbers."[38] They are closely related to Flynn's SIMD classification.[38]
Cray computers became famous for their vector-processing computers in the 1970s and 1980s. However, vector processors—both as CPUs and as full computer systems—have generally disappeared. Modern processor instruction sets do include some vector processing instructions, such as with AltiVec and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE).
Parallel programming languages
Main article: List of concurrent and parallel programming languages
Concurrent programming languages, libraries, APIs, and parallel programming models (such as Algorithmic Skeletons) have been created for programming parallel computers. These can generally be divided into classes based on the assumptions they make about the underlying memory architecture—shared memory, distributed memory, or shared distributed memory. Shared memory programming languages communicate by manipulating shared memory variables. Distributed memory uses message passing. POSIX Threads and OpenMP are two of most widely used shared memory APIs, whereas Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the most widely used message-passing system API.[39] One concept used in programming parallel programs is the future concept, where one part of a program promises to deliver a required datum to another part of a program at some future time.
CAPS entreprise and Pathscale are also coordinating their effort to make HMPP (Hybrid Multicore Parallel Programming) directives an Open Standard called OpenHMPP. The OpenHMPP directive-based programming model offers a syntax to efficiently offload computations on hardware accelerators and to optimize data movement to/from the hardware memory. OpenHMPP directives describe remote procedure call (RPC) on an accelerator device (e.g. GPU) or more generally a set of cores. The directives annotate C or Fortran codes to describe two sets of functionalities: the offloading of procedures (denoted codelets) onto a remote device and the optimization of data transfers between the CPU main memory and the accelerator memory.
Automatic parallelization
Main article: Automatic parallelization
Automatic parallelization of a sequential program by a compiler is the holy grail of parallel computing. Despite decades of work by compiler researchers, automatic parallelization has had only limited success.[40]
Mainstream parallel programming languages remain either explicitly parallel or (at best) partially implicit, in which a programmer gives the compiler directives for parallelization. A few fully implicit parallel programming languages exist—SISAL, Parallel Haskell, System C (for FPGAs), Mitrion-C, VHDL, and Verilog.
Application checkpointing
Main article: Application checkpointing
As a computer system grows in complexity, the mean time between failures usually decreases. Application checkpointing is a technique whereby the computer system takes a "snapshot" of the application — a record of all current resource allocations and variable states, akin to a core dump; this information can be used to restore the program if the computer should fail. Application checkpointing means that the program has to restart from only its last checkpoint rather than the beginning. While checkpointing provides benefits in a variety of situations, it is especially useful in highly parallel systems with a large number of processors used in high performance computing.[41]
Algorithmic methods
As parallel computers become larger and faster, it becomes feasible to solve problems that previously took too long to run. Parallel computing is used in a wide range of fields, from bioinformatics (protein folding and sequence analysis) to economics (mathematical finance). Common types of problems found in parallel computing applications are:[42]
Dense linear algebra
Sparse linear algebra
Spectral methods (such as Cooley–Tukey fast Fourier transform)
n-body problems (such as Barnes–Hut simulation)
Structured grid problems (such as Lattice Boltzmann methods)
Unstructured grid problems (such as found in finite element analysis)
Monte Carlo simulation
Combinational logic (such as brute-force cryptographic techniques)
Graph traversal (such as sorting algorithms)
Dynamic programming
Branch and bound methods
Graphical models (such as detecting hidden Markov models and constructing Bayesian networks)
Finite-state machine simulation
Further information: Fault-tolerant computer system
[icon]    This section requires expansion. (March 2014)
Parallel computing can also be applied to the design of fault-tolerant computer systems, particularly via lockstep systems performing the same operation in parallel. This provides redundancy in case one component should fail, and also allows automatic error detection and error correction if the results differ.
Main article: History of computing

ILLIAC IV, "perhaps the most infamous of Supercomputers"[43]
The origins of true (MIMD) parallelism go back to Federico Luigi, Conte Menabrea and his "Sketch of the Analytic Engine Invented by Charles Babbage".[44][45] IBM introduced the 704 in 1954, through a project in which Gene Amdahl was one of the principal architects. It became the first commercially available computer to use fully automatic floating point arithmetic commands.[46]
In April 1958, S. Gill (Ferranti) discussed parallel programming and the need for branching and waiting.[47] Also in 1958, IBM researchers John Cocke and Daniel Slotnick discussed the use of parallelism in numerical calculations for the first time.[48] Burroughs Corporation introduced the D825 in 1962, a four-processor computer that accessed up to 16 memory modules through a crossbar switch.[49] In 1967, Amdahl and Slotnick published a debate about the feasibility of parallel processing at American Federation of Information Processing Societies Conference.[48] It was during this debate that Amdahl's Law was coined to define the limit of speed-up due to parallelism.
In 1969, US company Honeywell introduced its first Multics system, a symmetric multiprocessor system capable of running up to eight processors in parallel.[48] C.mmp, a 1970s multi-processor project at Carnegie Mellon University, was "among the first multiprocessors with more than a few processors".[45] "The first bus-connected multi-processor with snooping caches was the Synapse N+1 in 1984."[45]
SIMD parallel computers can be traced back to the 1970s. The motivation behind early SIMD computers was to amortize the gate delay of the processor's control unit over multiple instructions.[50] In 1964, Slotnick had proposed building a massively parallel computer for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.[48] His design was funded by the US Air Force, which was the earliest SIMD parallel-computing effort, ILLIAC IV.[48] The key to its design was a fairly high parallelism, with up to 256 processors, which allowed the machine to work on large datasets in what would later be known as vector processing. However, ILLIAC IV was called "the most infamous of Supercomputers", because the project was only one fourth completed, but took 11 years and cost almost four times the original estimate.[43] When it was finally ready to run its first real application in 1976, it was outperformed by existing commercial supercomputers such as the Cray-1.

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