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Qin and Han dynasties

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description: In 2011 the DNA of the Miao were sampled with the White Hmong having 7.84% D-M15. Chinese text stated the San Miao went South to the Yangtze River area then were later exiled to Gansu. The Miao seem t ...
In 2011 the DNA of the Miao were sampled with the White Hmong having 7.84% D-M15.[9] Chinese text stated the San Miao went South to the Yangtze River area then were later exiled to Gansu.[citation needed] The Miao seem to be the remanents of this ancient San Miao tribe.[citation needed]
The term Miao was first used by the Han Chinese in pre-Qin times (in other words, before 221 BC) for designating non-Han Chinese groups in the south. It was often used in combination: "nanmiao", "miaomin", "youmiao" and "sanmiao" (三苗; pinyin: Sānmiáo)
Ming and Qing dynasties
During the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368–1911) 'miao' and 'man' were both used, the second possibly to designate the Yao (傜 Yáo) people. The Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties could neither fully assimilate nor control the aboriginal people.
During the Miao Rebellions, when Miao tribes rebelled, Ming troops, including Han chinese, Hui people, and Uyghurs crushed the rebels, killing thousands of them.[10][11] Mass castrations of Miao boys also took place.[12]

Qing-era painting depicting a Chinese campaign against the Miao in Hunan, 1795
During the Qing Dynasty the Miao fought three wars against the empire.[7] In 1735 in the southeastern province of Guizhou, the Miao rose up against the government's forced assimilation. Eight counties involving 1,224 villages fought until 1738 when the revolt ended. According to Xiangtan University Professor Wu half the Miao population were affected by the war.
The second war (1795–1806) involved the provinces of Guizhou and Hunan. Shi Sanbao and Shi Liudeng led this second revolt. Again, it ended in failure, but it took 11 years to quell the uprising.[13]
The greatest of the three wars occurred from 1854 to 1873. Xiu-mei Zhang led this revolt in Guizhou until his capture and death in Changsha, Hunan. This revolt affected over one million people and all the neighbouring provinces. By the time the war ended Professor Wu said only 30 percent of the Miao were left. This defeat led to the Hmong people migrating out of China.
During Qing times, more military garrisons were established in southwest China. Han Chinese soldiers moved into the Taijiang region of Guizhou, married Miao women, and the children were brough up as Miao.[14][15] In spite of rebellion against the Han, Hmong leaders made allies with Chinese merchants.[16]
Politically and militarily, the Miao continued to be a stone in the shoe of the Chinese empire. The imperial government had to rely on political means to ensnare Hmong people, they created multiple competing positions of substantial prestige for Miao people to participate and assimilate into the Qing government system. During the Ming and Qing times, the official position of Kaitong was created in Indochina. The Miao would employ the use of the Kiatong government structure until the 1900s when they entered into French colonial politics in Indochina.
20th Century
[icon]    This section requires expansion with: text. (February 2011)
During the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Miao played an important role in its birth when they helped Mao Zedong to escape the Kuomintang in the Long March with supplies and guides through their territory.
In Vietnam, a powerful Hmong named Vuong Chinh Duc dubbed the king of the Hmong aided Ho Chi Minh's nationalist move against the French, and thus secured the Hmong's position in Vietnam.[17] During the Vietnam War, Miao fought on both sides, the Hmong in Laos primarily for the US, across the border in Vietnam for the North-Vietnam coalition, the Chinese-Miao for the Communists. However after the war the Vietnamese took great aggression against the Hmong who suffered years of reprisals and genocide. Interestingly, most Hmong in Thailand also supported a brief Communist uprising during the war.
By province
The 2000 Chinese census recorded 8.940.116 Miao in China.
Provincial Distribution of the Miao
Province     % of China's Miao Population    % of Total
Guizhou    48.1 %    49.84 %
Hunan    21.49 %    21.05 %
Yunnan    11.67 %    12.12 %
City of Chongqing    5.62 %    —
Autonomous Region of Guangxi    5.18 %    5.75
Hubei    2.4 %    2.71 %
Sichuan    1.65 %    7.24 % (incl. Chongqing)
Guangdong    1.35 %    ?
Hainan    0.69 %    ?
Others    1.85 %    ?
By county
County-level distribution of the Miao
(Only includes counties or county-equivalents containing >0.25% of China's Miao population.)
Province    Prefecture    County    Miao Population    % of China's Miao Population
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Kaili City (凯里市)    274,238    3.07 %
City of Chongqing    none    Pengshui Miao and Tujia A. C. (彭水苗族土家族自治县)    273,488    3.06 %
Hunan    Huaihua City    Mayang Miao A. C. (麻阳苗族自治县)    263,437    2.95 %
Guizhou    Tongren City    Songtao Miao A. C. (松桃苗族自治县)    228,718    2.56 %
Hunan    Huaihua City    Yuanling County (沅陵县)    217,613    2.43 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Huayuan County (花垣县)    192,138    2.15 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Fenghuang County (凤凰县)    185,111    2.07 %
Hunan    Shaoyang City    Suining County (绥宁县)    184,784    2.07 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Liuzhou City    Rongshui Miao A. C. (融水苗族自治县)    168,591    1.89 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Huangping County (黄平县)    161,211    1.8 %
Guizhou    Zunyi City    Wuchuan Gelao and Miao A. C. (务川仡佬族苗族自治县)    157,350    1.76 %
Hunan    Shaoyang City    Chengbu Miao A. C. (城步苗族自治县)    136,943    1.53 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Taijiang County (台江县)    135,827    1.52 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Congjiang County (从江县)    129,626    1.45 %
Guizhou    Liupanshui City    Shuicheng County (水城县)    126,319    1.41 %
Hunan    Huaihua City    Jingzhou Miao and Dong A. C. (靖州苗族侗族自治县)    114,641    1.28 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Ziyun Miao and Buyei A. C. (紫云苗族布依族自治县)    114,444    1.28 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Jianhe County (剑河县)    112,950    1.26 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Jishou City (吉首市)    112,856    1.26 %
Guizhou    Tongren City    Sinan County (思南县)    112,464    1.26 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Leishan County (雷山县)    110,413    1.24 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Luxi County (泸溪县)    107,301    1.2 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Tianzhu County (天柱县)    106,387    1.19 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Danzhai County (丹寨县)    104,934    1.17 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Rongjiang County (榕江县)    96,503    1.08 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Huishui County (惠水县)    91,215    1.02 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Guangnan County (广南县)    88,444    0.99 %
City of Chongqing    none    Youyang Tujia and Miao A. C. (酉阳土家族苗族自治县)    85,182    0.95 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Bose City    Longlin Various Nationalities A. C. (隆林各族自治县)    84,617    0.95 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Zhijin County (织金县)    81,029    0.91 %
Yunnan    Honghe Hani and Yi A. P.    Jinping Miao, Yao, and Dai A. C. (金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县)    80,820    0.9 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Xixiu District (西秀区)    79,906    0.89 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Jinping County (锦屏县)    78,441    0.88 %
Guizhou    Zunyi City    Daozhen Gelao and Miao A. C. (道真仡佬族苗族自治县)    76,658    0.86 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Liping County (黎平县)    75,718    0.85 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Maguan County (马关县)    73,833    0.83 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Nayong County (纳雍县)    72,845    0.81 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Duyun City (都匀市)    71,011    0.79 %
Hubei    Enshi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Laifeng County (来凤县)    70,679    0.79 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Majiang County (麻江县)    68,847    0.77 %
City of Chongqing    none    Xiushan Tujia and Miao A. C. (秀山土家族苗族自治县)    66,895    0.75 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Shibing County (施秉县)    66,890    0.75 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Qiubei County (丘北县)    66,826    0.75 %
Guizhou    Guiyang City    Huaxi District (花溪区)    62,827    0.7 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Longshan County (龙山县)    61,709    0.69 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Qianxi County (黔西县)    60,409    0.68 %
Yunnan    Honghe Hani and Yi A. P.    Pingbian Miao A. C. (屏边苗族自治县)    60,312    0.67 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Weining Yi, Hui, and Miao A. C. (威宁彝族回族苗族自治县)    60,157    0.67 %
City of Chongqing    none    Qianjiang District (黔江区)    59,705    0.67 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Baojing County (保靖县)    57,468    0.64 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Wenshan County (文山县)    57,303    0.64 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Guzhang County (古丈县)    54,554    0.61 %
Hubei    Enshi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Lichuan City (利川市)    53,590    0.6 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Qinglong County (晴隆县)    53,205    0.6 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Liuzhou City    Sanjiang Dong A. C. (三江侗族自治县)    53,076    0.59 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Dafang County (大方县)    52,547    0.59 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Yanshan County (砚山县)    51,624    0.58 %
Guizhou    Liupanshui City    Liuzhi Special District (六枝特区)    50,833    0.57 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Changshun County (长顺县)    48,902    0.55 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Fuquan City (福泉市)    48,731    0.55 %
Yunnan    Honghe Hani and Yi A. P.    Mengzi County (蒙自县)    48,132    0.54 %
Guizhou    Tongren City    Bijiang District (碧江区)    47,080    0.53 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Malipo County (麻栗坡县)    45,655    0.51 %
Yunnan    Zhaotong City    Yiliang County (彝良县)    44,736    0.5 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Pingba County (平坝县)    44,107    0.49 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Sandu Shui A. C. (三都水族自治县)    43,464    0.49 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Guiding County (贵定县)    42,450    0.47 %
Guizhou    Tongren City    Yinjiang Tujia and Miao A. C. (印江土家族苗族自治县)    42,431    0.47 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Longli County (龙里县)    40,096    0.45 %
Guizhou    Guiyang City    Qingzhen City (清镇市)    39,845    0.45 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Wangmo County (望谟县)    39,491    0.44 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Qixingguan District (七星关区)    38,508    0.43 %
Hunan    Xiangxi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Yongshun County (永顺县)    37,676    0.42 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Hezhang County (赫章县)    37,128    0.42 %
Yunnan    Zhaotong City    Weixin County (威信县)    36,293    0.41 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Sansui County (三穗县)    35,745    0.4 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Luodian County (罗甸县)    35,463    0.4 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Zhenning Buyei and Miao A. C. (镇宁布依族苗族自治县)    34,379    0.38 %
Hubei    Enshi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Xuan'en County (宣恩县)    34,354    0.38 %
Hunan    Huaihua City    Huitong County (会同县)    33,977    0.38 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Anlong County (安龙县)    32,926    0.37 %
Guizhou    Bijie City    Jinsha County (金沙县)    31,884    0.36 %
Sichuan    Luzhou City    Xuyong County (叙永县)    30,362    0.34 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Puding County (普定县)    30,254    0.34 %
Sichuan    Yibin City    Xingwen County (兴文县)    30,020    0.34 %
Guizhou    Anshun City    Guanling Buyei and Miao A. C. (关岭布依族苗族自治县)    29,746    0.33 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Bose City    Xilin County (西林县)    28,967    0.32 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Guilin City    Ziyuan County (资源县)    27,827    0.31 %
Hubei    Enshi Tujia and Miao A. P.    Xianfeng County (咸丰县)    27,668    0.31 %
Guizhou    Guiyang City    Nanming District (南明区)    27,460    0.31 %
Yunnan    Zhaotong City    Zhenxiong County (镇雄县)    26,963    0.3 %
Yunnan    Wenshan Zhuang and Miao A. P.    Funing County (富宁县)    26,396    0.3 %
Guangdong    Dongguan City    Dongguan District (东莞市辖区)    26,241    0.29 %
Guizhou    Tongren City    Jiangkou County (江口县)    25,588    0.29 %
Guizhou    Liupanshui City    Pan County (盘县)    25,428    0.28 %
Guangxi Zhuang A. R.    Guilin City    Longsheng Various Nationalities A. C. (龙胜各族自治县)    24,841    0.28 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Xingren County (兴仁县)    24,130    0.27 %
Hunan    Huaihua City    Zhijiang Dong A. C. (芷江侗族自治县)    23,698    0.27 %
Yunnan    Honghe Hani and Yi A. P.    Kaiyuan City (开远市)    23,504    0.26 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Zhenfeng County (贞丰县)    23,054    0.26 %
Guizhou    Qiannan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Pingtang County (平塘县)    22,980    0.26 %
Guizhou    Qiandongnan Miao and Dong A. P.    Zhenyuan County (镇远县)    22,883    0.26 %
Guizhou    Qianxinan Buyei and Miao A. P.    Pu'an County (普安县)    22,683    0.25 %
Guizhou    Guiyang City    Wudang District (乌当区)    22,468    0.25 %
Other areas of China            1,246,040    13.94 %

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