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International Phonetic Alphabet chart for English dialects

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description: This chart gives a partial system of diaphonemes for English. The symbols for the diaphonemes are given in bold, followed by their most common phonetic values. For the vowels, a separate phonetic valu ...
This chart gives a partial system of diaphonemes for English. The symbols for the diaphonemes are given in bold, followed by their most common phonetic values. For the vowels, a separate phonetic value is given for each major dialect, and words used to name corresponding lexical sets are also given. The diaphonemes and lexical sets given here are based on RP and General American; they are not sufficient to express all of the distinctions found in other dialects, such as Australian English.
phoneme[1]    Phones    Examples
IPA: English Consonants
p    pʰ, p    pen, spin, tip
b    b    but, web
t    tʰ, t, ɾ, ʔ[2]    two, sting, bet
d    d, ɾ[3]    do, odd
t͡ʃ    t͡ʃʰ,   t͡ʃ    chair, nature, teach
d͡ʒ    d͡ʒ    gin, joy, edge
k    kʰ, k    cat, kill, skin, queen, unique, thick
ɡ    ɡ    go, get, beg
f    f    fool, enough, leaf, off, photo
v    v    voice, have, of
θ    θ, t̪[4]    thing, teeth
ð    ð, d̪[5]    this, breathe, father
s    s    see, city, pass
z    z    zoo, rose
ʃ    ʃ    she, sure, session, emotion, leash
ʒ    ʒ    pleasure, beige, equation, seizure
x    x    loch (Scottish),[6] ugh [7]
h    h, ɦ,[8] ç[9]    ham
m    m, ɱ[10]    man, ham
n    n    no, tin
ŋ    ŋ    ringer, sing,[11] finger, drink
l    l, ɫ,[12] ɤ[13] w, o, ʊ[14]    left, bell
r    ɹʷ, ɹ, ɾ,[15] ɻ, ʋ[16]    run, very
w    w    we, queen
j    j    yes, nyala
hw    ʍ, w[17]    what
IPA: Marginal consonants
ʔ    ʔ    uh-oh
IPA: Reduced vowels[18]
ə    Reduced /ʌ, æ, ɑː, ɒ/
ɪ̈ (ɪ, ə)    Reduced /ɪ, iː, ɛ, eɪ, aɪ/
ʊ̈ (ʊ, ə)    Reduced /ʊ, uː/
ɵ (ə)    Reduced /oʊ/
ɚ (ə)    Reduced /ɜr, ɑr, ɔr/
IPA: English vowels and diphthongs
phoneme[1]    AuE[19]
Australia    CaE
Canada    GA[20][21][22]
United States    InE[23]
India    IrE[24]
Republic of Ireland    NZE[22][25]
New Zealand    RP[26][27]
United Kingdom    ScE[28]
Scotland    SAE[29][30]
South Africa    SSE
Singapore    WaE[31]
Wales    Keyword    Examples
æ    æ,
æː[32]    æ    æ~ɛ    ɑ~a~æ    ɛ    æ~a    ɐ̟    a~æ~ɛ    ɛ[33]    a    trap    lad, bad, cat[34]
ɑː or æ    äː    äː    ɐː    ɑː    äː~ɑː~
ɒː~ɔː    ɑ[35]    bath    pass, path, sample
ɑː    ɑ~ɒ    ɑ~ä    ɑː    aː    palm    father
ɒ    ɔ    ɒ~ä    ɑ    ɔ    ɒ~ɔ    ɔ    ɒ̈~ʌ̈    ɔ    ɒ    lot    not, wasp
ɒ~ɔ~ɑ[36]    ɒ̈~ʌ̈,
ɔː~oː    cloth    off, loss, cloth, long, dog, chocolate[37]
ɔː    oː    ɒː    ɔː    oː    oː    ɔː~oː    ɒː    thought    law, caught, all, halt, talk
ə    ə    ə    ə    ə    ɘ    ə    ə    ə    comma    about
ɨ    ɪ̈        ɪ    ɨ        ɨ    kit    spotted
ɪ    ɪ    ɪ    ɪ~i, ə[38]    i, ɪ    ɪ    sit
i    i    ɪ~i            i    ɪj    e, i    iˑ    i    iː    happy    city
iː    ɪi̯    i    iː    iː    ɘi̯    ɪj    i    iː    fleece    see
eː    meat
eɪ    æɪ̯    eɪ̯~e    eː    æe̯    ɛɪ̯    e    eɪ̯~ɛɪ̯~
ʌɪ̯    e[39]    eː    face    date
ei    day, pain, whey, rein
ɛ    e    ɛ    e~ɪ    e~ɛ    ɛ    ɛ~e~ɪ    ɛ, e[40]    ɛ    dress    bed[41]
ɜr    ɵː(ɹ)~
ɘː(ɹ)    ɝ~ɹ̩    ɜː(ɾ)~äɾ    ɔɹ~ʊɹ[42]    ɵː(ɹ)~
œ̈ː(ɹ)    əː(ɹ)~
ɜː(ɹ)    ʌɾ[42]    ø̈ː(ɹ)~
əː(ɹ)    ə(ɹ)    ɜː(ɾ)    nurse    burn
ɛɹ[42]    ɛɾ[42]    herd, earth
ɪɹ[42]    ɪɾ[42]    bird
ər    ə(ɹ)    ɚ~ɹ̩    ə(ɾ)    ɚ~ɹ̩    ɘ(ɹ)    ə(ɹ)    əɾ    ə(ɹ)    ə(ɾ)    letter    winner,massacre[43]
phoneme[1]    AuE
Australia    CaE
Canada    GA
United States    InE
India    IrE
Republic of Ireland    NZE
New Zealand    RP
United Kingdom    ScE
Scotland    SAE
South Africa    SSE
Singapore    WaE
Wales    Keyword    Examples
ʌ    ä    ʌ    ɜ    ə~ɜ    ɞ, ʊ    ɐ    ə ~ ʌ ~ ɑ [44]    ʌ    ɐ~ä    ɑ, ʌ    ə~ɜ    strut    run, won, flood
ʊ    ʊ    ʊ~ɵ̠    ʊ~ɵ̠    ʉ    ʊ~ʊ̈    u    ʊ    foot    put
uː    hood
uː    ʉː    u̟    uː    ʉː    ɵu̯    u̟ː~ʉː~
yː    uː    goose    through, you
ɪu[45]    threw, yew
juː    jʉː    (j)u̟    juː    jʉː    ju̟ː~jʉː    jʉ    ju̟ː~jʉː~
jyː    ju    cute, dew, ewe
aɪ    ɑe̯~ɑɪ̯    äɪ̯, ʌi̯[46]    äɪ̯    ɔɪ̯    ɐe̯    ɑɪ̯    əi̯~ae̯    äɪ̯~äː~
ɑɪ̯~ɑ̟ː    ai̯, ɑ[47]    ai̯    price    my, wise, high
flight, mice
ɔɪ    oɪ̯    ɔɪ̯    ɔɪ̯~oɪ̯    ɒɪ̯    ɒɪ̯~oɪ̯    oe̯    oɪ̯    oi̯    ɔɪ̯~ɒɪ̯    ɔi̯    ɒi̯    choice    boy, hoist
oʊ    əʉ̯~ɐʉ̯    oʊ̯~o    oː    ɑʉ̯    əʊ̯    o    ɛʊ̯~œʊ̯~
œː~ʌʊ̯    o[39]    oː    goat    no, toe, soap
ou̯    tow, folk
ɔʊ̯    o~oə̯~oʊ̯    ɔʊ̯    əʊ̯~ɒʊ̯~ɔʊ̯        soul, roll, cold
aʊ    æɔ̯~æʊ̯    äʊ̯, ʌu̯[46]    äʊ̯~æʊ̯    äʊ̯    æu̯~ɛu̯    æɔ̯    au̯    ɘʉ̯    äʊ̯~äː~
æʊ̯    au̯    mouth    now, trout
ɑr    äː(ɹ)    ɑɹ    äː(ɾ)    aːɹ~
ɐː(ɹ)    ɑː(ɹ)    ɐ̟ɾ    äː(ɹ)~ɑː(ɹ)~
ɒː(ɹ)~ɔː(ɹ)    ɑ(ɹ)    aː(ɾ)    start    arm, car
ɪər    ɪː(ɹ)~
ɪː.ä(ɹ)    ɪɹ    iɹ~
iə̯ɹ    ɪə̯(ɾ)~
iː(ɾ)    iːɹ    iə̯(ɹ)~
ɪə̯(ɹ)    ɪə̯(ɹ)~
ɪː(ɹ)    iɾ    ɪə̯(ɹ)~
ɪː(ɹ)    jə(ɹ)    ɪə̯(ɾ)    near    deer, here
ɛər    eː(ɹ)~
eː.ä(ɹ)    ɛɹ    ɛɹ~
eɹ    ɛə̯(ɾ)~
eː(ɾ)    eːɹ    iə̯(ɹ)~
eə̯(ɹ)    ɛə̯(ɹ)~
ɛː(ɹ)[48]    eɾ    ɛə̯(ɹ)~
eː(ɹ)    ɛ(ɹ)    ɛː(ɾ)    square    mare, there, bear
ɔr    oː(ɹ)    ɔɹ    ɔɹ~oɹ    ɒː(ɾ)    ɑɹ    oː(ɹ)    oː(ɹ)    ɔɾ    ɔː(ɹ)~
oː(ɹ)    ɔ(ɹ)    ɒː(ɾ)    north    sort, warm
ɔər    oːɹ    oɾ    oː(ɾ)    force    tore, boar, port
ʊər    ʉː.ə(ɹ)~
oː(ɹ)    ʊɹ    ʊɹ~ɔɹ~oɹ    ʊə̯(ɾ)~
uː(ɾ)    uːɹ,
oːɹ    ʊɐ̯(ɹ)
ʉː.ɐ(ɹ)    ɵː(ɹ)~
oː(ɹ)[49]    uɾ    ʊə̯(ɹ)~
oː(ɹ)    wə(ɹ)    ʊə̯(ɾ)    cure    tour, moor
jʊər    jʉː.ə(ɹ)~
joː(ɹ)    jʊɹ, jɝ    jʊə̯(ɾ)~
juː(ɾ)    juɹ, joːɹ    jʊɐ̯(ɹ),
jʉː.ɐ(ɹ)    jɵː(ɹ)~
joː(ɹ)    juɾ    jʊə̯(ɹ),
joː(ɹ)    jɔ(ɹ)    ɪʊə̯(ɾ)    pure, Europe
phoneme[1]    AuE
Australia    CaE
Canada    GA
United States    InE
India    IrE
Republic of Ireland    NZE
New Zealand    RP
United Kingdom    ScE
Scotland    SAE
South Africa    SSE
Singapore    WaE
Wales    Keyword    Examples
IPA: Other symbols used in transcription of English pronunciation
IPA    Explanation
ˈ    Primary stress indicator (placed before the stressed syllable); for example, rapping /ˈræpɪŋ/
ˌ    Secondary stress/full vowel indicator (placed before the stressed syllable); for example, pronunciation /prɵˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/
.    Syllable separation indicator; for example, ice cream /ˈaɪs.kriːm/ vs. I scream /ˌaɪ.ˈskriːm/
̩    ̍    Syllabic consonant indicator (placed under the syllabic consonant); for example, ridden [ˈɹɪdn̩]

This concise chart shows the most common applications of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to represent English language pronunciations.
See Pronunciation respelling for English for phonetic transcriptions used in different dictionaries.
AuE = Australian English
CaE = Canadian English
GA = General American
InE = Indian English
IrE = Irish English
NZE = New Zealand English
RP = Received Pronunciation (Standard in Great Britain)
ScE = Scottish English
SAE = South African English
SSE = Standard Singapore English
WaE = Welsh English

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